GGA Player Fails Drug test

now maire, you wouldn’t want be adding hypocrite to the list of words to describe would you ? :stuck_out_tongue:

even if the gga find him innocent he will always be a cheat in the eyes of right minded people

what, you ?

absolutely pissing myself laughing at your pompousness

are you sure you’re not from cork ?

[quote=“thedancingbaby”]why do ya’s bother lads…NCC is obviously winding you all up and you are taking the bait big style.

As mentioned before this is a nothing story - Lets move on[/quote]

to describe you?
Nah; you’re just a wound up loser with an over reaching self esteem that ultimately leads you to fall flat on your arse.

And not entirely off message; did you have a thread deleted over in the PV parish? I remember it been your usual ART’Ified copy & paste; its origin was a news wire piece about the siamese twins?

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]to describe you?
Nah; you’re just a wound up loser with an over reaching self esteem that ultimately leads you to fall flat on your arse.

And not entirely off message; did you have a thread deleted over in the PV parish? I remember it been your usual ART’Ified copy & paste; its origin was a news wire piece about the siamese twins?[/quote]

stooping to insults, eh ? bvut then again I’m not surprised after your comments on the KK fire thread

i seem to have touched a nerve, so i’ll keep on doing it

and yes I did have a thread deleted on premierview, what that has to do with the price of turnips in bulgaria is beyond me

[quote=“artfoley”]stooping to insults, eh ? bvut then again I’m not surprised after your comments on the KK fire thread

i seem to have touched a nerve, so i’ll keep on doing it

and yes I did have a thread deleted on premierview, what that has to do with the price of turnips in bulgaria is beyond me[/quote]

Nothing: I just wanted to know what happened to it, TipTop isn’t around so thanks for letting me know.

But if you think I’m ashamed of anything I contributed to the Kilkenny Fire thread then you add Inhuman Moronic and Turd to Scrounging No-Hoper.

And this is just weeks after what you created from the news report on twin sisters dying.

You are too busy loading bullets and firing aimlessly to actually look up and see whats really going on about you. Take time out from your need to mark one up and instead of promising to kick peoples arses for them kick your own.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Nothing: I just wanted to know what happened to it, TipTop isn’t around so thanks for letting me know.

But if you think I’m ashamed of anything I contributed to the Kilkenny Fire thread then you add Inhuman Moronic and Turd to Scrounging No-Hoper.

And this is just weeks after what you created from the news report on twin sisters dying.

You are too busy loading bullets and firing aimlessly to actually look up and see whats really going on about you. Take time out from your need to mark one up and instead of promising to kick peoples arses for them kick your own.[/quote]

i think you may need to take some of your own advices on board there maire and maybe have a good lie down

this ability to summarise a 5000 page report into 3 words is playing havoc with your brain

[quote=“artfoley”]i think you may need to take some of your own advices on board there maire and maybe have a good lie down

this ability to summarise a 5000 page report into 3 words is playing havoc with your brain[/quote]

Thats it?

Did you come too soon?

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Thats it?

Did you come too soon?[/quote]

sorry but you not feud worthy

NCC faults and all can provide a lot more than faux morality, lies and insults

[quote=“artfoley”]sorry but you not feud worthy

NCC faults and all can provide a lot more than faux morality, lies and insults[/quote]

Art if that doesn’t get you Idiot of the Month; you can offer your intended something better than a barmbrack ring.

She can have one of mine.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Art if that doesn’t get you Idiot of the Month; you can offer your intended something better than a barmbrack ring.

She can have one of mine.[/quote]


you’re not worth it


you’re not worth it[/quote]

Oh I am Art.
You’re just not ready to appreciate me.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Oh I am Art.
You’re just not ready to appreciate me.[/quote]

you had your chances and blew them on PV &


Are you trying to confuse me or is this a bit of Tantric Kinky gamey stuff … foreplay Art style?

You divil you, come and get me.

O’Mahoney has just been cleared.

Of what?
Taking Drugs?
Being a Cheat?
Or for having a poor chest?

Strange wording on the RTE website:

Aidan O’Mahony will be reprimanded but won’t serve any suspension after the anti-doping committee ruled that his use of the drug salbutamol was for medical purposes only and there was no effort on his part to enhance his performance.

In the first case of its kind for the GAA, the Kerry football captain failed a drugs test after the All Ireland final in September 2008 between Kerry and Tyrone.

He was found to have high levels of the drug salbutamol which is used by asthmatics.

O’Mahony’s asthmatic condition had previously been made known to both the GAA authorities and testers.

If he is being reprimanded then there must have been some wrong doing on his part?

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Of what?
Taking Drugs?
Being a Cheat?
Or for having a poor chest?[/quote]

cleared to talk to Corkonians on how much pride he has to play for his county. Hopefully they’ll learn something.

Irregardless the mans good name has been dragged through the mire, shameful stuff. Good man Aidan, you sweet prince.