Gigs coming up

In fairness, Iā€™d question @glasagusbanā€™s ability to judge. Iā€™m pretty sure his thoughts were elsewhere on the night in question.

At what age would you be too old to go to Tiesto ?

Obviously asking for a mateā€¦

Go if you want to go there will be plenty of trance heads in their 40s and 50s at it.


Will you be there???

Would seriously consider it.

Regarding suitable attire in my wardrobe I am thinking my camogie coaching track suit will have to suffice, I have a little blue whistle too.


Cc @flattythehurdler

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Was out for a spin with Matty and Aido yesterday. Went through Salford quays and on to pay homage at the Salford lads club before finding a place called ordsall house. This are would have made sherrif street look like D4 a few years ago. Now thereā€™s allotments, open spaces, and a view of the skyscraper cluster. Anyhow, surviving all the decay and then the regeneration, the hall is grade 1 listed and is 500years old. Nice care and a sit out in the sun shooting the breeze for an hour. I hope this regeneration doesnā€™t peter out. Dublin should really really look at skyscrapers. I love them once they have any kind of design feature (Iā€™m excepting the Hilton tower, which doesnā€™t as is fugly, but gets a pass for leading the way).
Manc would actually be a grand place to be a young professional living in the centre. The castlefield bowl is great in the summer.

Pavement back in July playing the Big Top in Galway. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if a Dublin date got added as well

They are playing Birmingham in the summer. Headlining Moseley Folk Festival on the Saturday. I canā€™t wait to see the look on the regular attendees faces when Moseley Park is overrun with Roasters. It will be glorious.


Just out after watching Christy Moore in the National Opera House. Several mistakes made, go see him lads, wonā€™t be long left Iā€™d imagine.

I saw Christy in the National Concert Hall last Saturday. The voice is still strong and he looks well but it was disappointing overall. He didnā€™t seem to put his heart into it or maybe heā€™s just not able anymore. It felt like watching The Dubliners in their latter years where the set was just rattled through, a quick encore and good night and god bless. Heā€™s a good age so i wouldnā€™t be too critical but i wouldnā€™t be rushing back.


New album very good.

Away for a bit of work in Limerick next week and disappointed to be missing this show.

What a band

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All true. Glad to be going, myself. The Olympia is a great venue as well.

Saw them in NCH in 2015, which was a brilliant night.

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New order
3 Arena
1 October

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You canā€™t use screenshots or printed tickets to get into Ticketmaster gigs any more. The tickets now have a bar code with a line moving left and right on it. So you canā€™t take a screenshot of a ticket and send it to someone. You have to transfer it through the app to the other person. Bit of a bags all told.