Gigs coming up

The Nightingales, in Waterford.

Cheers pal :+1:t2: Iā€™ll most certainly give it a look.

19 December

Do any of you go to a gig on your todd? Never went on my own. Go to 3 or 4 a year with the same lad, he lives down the country so wouldnā€™t come up for a random midweek one.

Gone to loads over the years solo. Now Iā€™d often bump into folks I know there but if I really want to see something, Iā€™m not waiting around on others to make their mind up

PS what gigs you looking at?


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever done it but I am definitely not against it.

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Yes. All the time.

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They were daycent at the Picnic a few years back

Pink coming in June next year, you can have your TayTay but Pink is the momma.

Havenā€™t one picked out in particular but I would have seen a few mid week last year that I would have considered but left it off. Was wondering do people do it as I definitely wouldnā€™t be opposed to trying it I think. Reckon Iā€™d enjoy it.

Sometimes itā€™s more enjoyable because you can just concentrate on the band.


I think heā€™s hitting on you mate

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The way it is with me is that there wouldnā€™t be too many that would be into some of the gigs I go to and it would be an imposition to ask someone else a lot of the time. So Iā€™m happier doing my own thing and if the gig is shite you can always cut your losses and head off whenever you want without feeling your ruining someone elseā€™s night.

2 tickets for Sleaford Mods Saturday night national stadium going for 50

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Are you paying 50 to someone to take them off you?


I was always so bad at reading the signs.

Christmas in Belfast will be off the chain.

I only have e-eyes for you pal

Pixies Dublin and Galway pre sales are tomorrow morning

They were smashing at the Picnic