Gigs coming up

Must pick up a ticket. Saw it announced alright. O’Malley was playing at NCH a month or so back for that Haunted Dancehall with his Mrs (Kali Malone).

Same. Felt like you were actually being crushed by sound.

I actually saw them another time after that in London and it was a lot more sanitised.

The Kali Malone album that she released this year is very good.

I wonder will the authorities in the NCH make them turn down the sound.

Went to Bell x1 in Dolan’s last night. It was excellent.

Pixie Cut something or other opened for them. Lead singer had Delores O’Riordan vibes in a big way. Though their sound was hard to categorise. Anyway they were very good too

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Anyone? Or is there a gig guide thing that will tell me?

Genre blurring ? has a thread with confirmed gigs for next year


I must say I’d have expected them to be excellent. A band like that will only play Dolan’s if it’s what they do.
I absolutely love being that close to a good band. I love watching them play.

There was a place in manc down beside Oxford road train station and I swear you could feel the wall vibrating when bands played there some night. The place would be oozing.

Ticketmaster website will probably feature any big concerts.

This is the cranberries basically, but some of the other stuff was way different very heavy on distortion and electric guitar.


Myself and mrs barnes were at Damien Dempsey in Vicar st last night. A brilliant gig. He sang a lovely version of Body of an Amerian in tribute to Shane MacGowan. Those pre Christmas gigs in Vicar st are special nights.


The nerves will surely get to Chasing Abbey tonight in the Hiland tonight. A big step up from Electric Picnic, Longitude and the 3arena :rofl: cc @gilgamboa

I heard there was issues at the Dan McCabe gig in the Hiland in November. Tickets were available online but if you rocked up on the night with cash you were left in also.

People who went downstairs for a smoke/vape could see the ceiling above them bowing from the pressure with the dancing above after leaving too many people in so they had to finish it up a bit earlier than intended :open_mouth:

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They are after a few overcrowding incidents like that …was a teenage disco descended into chaos a few years back they had buses coming from all over the county to it and hadn’t pre sold tickets…massive levels of drunkenness then

I was talking to a fella who was at the whistling donkeys there recently…25 quid for a ticket and 7 euro for a can of warm beer (no draft on sale)

I never heard of chasing abbey would they be a big draw

James Holden added to the Smile bill. He’d be well worth seeing

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I’ve tickets to this. Never heard of James Holden though.

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Released a great record last year

Imagine This Is a High Dimensional Space of All Possibilities

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