Gigs coming up

Domestic violence led to his exit from the band a few years back.

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Be worth going to see?

If you hang around backstage with the missus he’ll give her a slap for you


I met Tom randomly one evening when he was on the sess when I lived in the uk. A gang of us were also on it and were wondering who was this utter degenerate who kept trying to make conversation with us and asking did we want sambuccas til I collared the land lady to ask what my man’s deal was, only to be told who he was.

We had a grand auld sing sing with him after that. Of Donegal stock, sang a beautiful version of the luck of the Irish, which I had never heard before that day.

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Sounds like a great night. Luck of the Irish is the John Lennon song?

The damned are playing above in Belfast (with stiff little fingers) but not in Dublin.

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Well I’ll be….

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One of my favourite live bands Les Savy Fav play Dublin tonight for first time in about 13 years. Giddy.

Best band of all time


Two tickets secured to Beak at the Button Factory in December.

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Richard Hawley was enjoyable last week in the Olympia.

Smashing pumpkins last night supported by weezer. Weezer were really good, would be better doing their own tour, they did a great cover of celebrity skin by Hole. Pumpkins were really good, better than when I saw them at a festival a few years ago. Corgan’s voice was great but he’s such an odd and awkward performer at times it takes away from his own stage presence. Four stars.

Off to The Killers tomorrow night in the 3 arena. Looking forward to it for a bit of nostalgia.

Encored with Iggy Pops Passenger. Top lad


Won tickets there for Arcade Fire for 2 weeks time in Malahide Castle. Anyone be able to advise on handy way of getting in and out? Like, do I park up at Malahide village or that, or get dart in and out?

If you’re not drinking, drive in and out. Dart is grand but the crowds will be massive as it is for any gig out there, so being able to get out on your own steam is a good bet. Twas busy out for Take That the other night

Marathon coaches run buses in and out for concerts in Malahide, best bet.

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A bad sign I think covering a well known song like that. I looked at his setlist and it is full of The Smiths with a few Electronic songs thrown in.

Marr never had the career Morrissey had post the Smiths.

Mind you I would love to see him.

All the info here @Pirlo

Also, the dart is only a 15 min walk so grrat getting there but no idea how it would be after

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Dart perfect to get out, but tough going to get back, huge queues

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