Gigs coming up


Enjoyed that. Got a nice little stand at the barrier at the front and was blasted by the sound waves. Nevertheless the sound was outstanding.


Who is that?

Great show.

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Looks like IDLES

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That was IDLES. They put on a great show in the support slot

Good gig in the end. Fucking disaster of a venue though. 35 minutes from Tara Street on the DART and half hour walk then. All the bars shut at 9.45. Gig ended shortly after 10.30 and had a pint in Dublin city around midnight. Won’t be going to a gig there again.

Spotted a couple of Dublin footballers there, they very definitely were not at work.

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Did you hear about IDLES on the INTERNET?

I’d add another gripe. If you were up at the stage it was a quarter of a mile walk to the jacks and back. Surely they could have had more locations for toilets. The bars closing that early was bizarre, but then again by that time the equation of beer to piss/distance to jacks meant i had had enough. I didn’t get the dart but walked past the station on my way back to meet my driver and it looked absolutely fucking wedged.

@Horsebox gave his driver the night off :persevere:

Yeah it was bizarre, seemed to be only one jacks at the very back. We stayed a bit back from the main crowd so didn’t take that long to take a slash but wouldn’t have been great if you were up the top. The bars closing at 9.45 was just wrong though. 24 euro for 2 rums and coke and a bottle of water was standard rip off I guess. We were a few hundred people back from the DART when we got there but we got on thank fuck, I was fearing the worst. Spent half the journey back chatting to a wide-eyed simpleton from New York with an LCD New York hoodie on who had travelled to Ireland just for the gig :woman_shrugging:

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Used the marathon coaches before and it was great. This time drop off in “city centre” meant way down the quays not far off the point. Shite. Also seemed to take way longer than I remembered from previous gigs but possible I was more bananas in the past. Least you were guaranteed a lift back. @Pirlo did you get this in the end. Friends went and had a pint in Malahide and then got a taxi into town pretty handy, noted for next time.

Idles were great. Hadn’t listened to them before. LCD did a good show as ever.

Still think Malahide is a great spot for a gig. I like the walk in and out through the trees and it’s still far easier to get away from than the likes of Marley park. The sun setting behind the stage is always great and adds to the atmosphere too.


I drove there and back. I’ve a little parking space I use when I got to Malahide Castle gigs and I’d not go any other way now. A little tradition of mine you might call it.

Wednesday night gig and a crowd that big shows the Irish consumer is a good mark for a promoter and leaves bands to play UK and Europe at weekends.

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Gig ain’t till Sunday 7th… My missus lives out by Maynooth, so thinking about getting the train to Malahide… I thought the last train might be too late, but from what I see it leaves at about 22:15, that’d do for the connection to Maynooth. If I don’t use train, an absolute gent on this forum said I can park at his house, for which I’m thankful for. A great forum.

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You’ve a half hour walk to the train station from the gig so you won’t see much of the main act if you’re leaving at 9.45.


Oh right… May well drive so.

Don’t do this, you won’t make it

What he said

Tbf they try their best in Malahide dart station but it’s just a dead loss unfortunately. I heard Take That was a shitshow last Friday night for example

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Air were decent last night in Trinity College. Played Moon Safari in full running order as per album and then everyone seemed confused on what to do. They came back out and played two separate encores of some of their later stuff. Weird crowd - couples in their 40s/50s who used to do pills but into running now. Plenty of chat during songs about 3 weeks in Quinta da lagoa. Taste of Dublin vibes

Was out the gap at 10:15 and on a bus in 5 mins from Pearse St home.


Was at Villagers in same venue on Saturday
Exact same crowd experience
Lot of people had no real interest in listening to music at all.
A huge amount of white wine sold


Would like to go and see Elbow this evening in Trinity but no-one around to mind the kids. Feckin split season.