Gigs coming up

You don’t have it fella. Leave it off. Your superior attitude doesn’t wash with me.

It does. You can’t let it go. You always have to try and get the last word.

Enjoy your life of regret and bitterness.

a sure sign of lack of self confidence, but also a very annoying trait , adolescent almost…

Quad Erat Demonstradum @Fagan ODowd

this is cracking stuff… fucking hell kev,
first Donal Og’s dad, now @Fagan ODowd …

Like the way you disappear when I rattle you and then you only ever come back and jump in when someone else is having a shot. 'Mmmm. Weak. I feel for the kid having a weak father, but at least the mother is an Israeli, they may be a lot of things but they can’t be accused of being weak.

[quote=“mickee321, post: 895550, member: 367”]this is cracking stuff… fucking hell kev,
first Donal Og’s dad, now @Fagan ODowd …[/quote]
What did I say about Cusack?

She’s Moroccan

when did you last rattle anyone kev? its the same old rhetoric ad nauseum from you, you were called out here as a spineless bluffer by all and sundry and for your information unless you know something the mother is not an israeli either, but i suppose you knew that already

Really? Nice. They can be hot. The kids fucked though.

go down to cloyne, head into to the pub by the pitch and ask the lads is donal’s dad there, show him the thread then where you played judge and jury on the man and his family and how he should have reacted in your esteemed opinion, let me know how you get on

He has kids all the same kev.

Mickee you are rattled to within an inch of your life. It’s so obvious you are fuming, your attempts at snide remarks and wandering bluff trying to get some info on me. You have actually tried to find out about my personal life, whereas I was actually given your name and I forgot it. That’s the difference between us. I use this place for a bit of crack, let off steam, pick up a thing or two. You actually hang out here.

let off steam?

So I didn’t say anything directly about him, but you’d like to lump in all the crap written here and me to be associated with it. I said nothing about the man Donal Og didn’t say. I questioned why someone would be too worried about his feelings (related to embarrassment) over his son who had 20-30 years of inner torture. My issue was with Julio and Fagan and these backward cunts. My impression has always been that after initial shock the man put his sons first.

What’s your point? It’s mickee who personalized things, a long way back. But if his demented online persona reflects the real life, then the kid will grow up angry.

im just calling it as i see it kev, you couldnt be described as judgmental anyway, your attempt at a backtrack will convince no-one tho but its the right decision here as you clearly havent a clue but yet will cast judgement from afar, you let yourself down badly at times

No I’m just saying that if I was a Jaffa I wouldn’t be going around slagging another fella about his kids. That’s all.

Who’s slagging? It’s more concern.