Gigs coming up

"battle, attacks, , supporting attacks , stupid, "
sounds like an awful way to be living kev, you’d fit in well in a settlement outside Hebron, you have the mentality anyway

Fat fingers?

Looks like Kev took being proved wrong about Mick Wallace fairly badly last night.


Just, wow.

are lads seriously boasting about the fact they have offspring as a mark of some sense of achievement ? … :rolleyes:

So when is this Mick Wallace gig on again?

Ya, and they are such awesome fathers they spend a huge amount of time on here talking about sports radio commentary.

Sports radio commentary from a few thousand miles away it should also be noted

Want me to recommend some exercises for getting those fingers back in shape Kev?

More exercise? Fuck that.

If this is anything to go by then people have queued for hours for a Garth Brooks chatshow


A FOURTH date :o

He’s playing the Monday night now too.


What’s up mate?

It’s lonely standing outside the fire.

Sure why wouldn’t he :clap: Garth doesn’t disappoint.

I think I’m sorted for the Saturday already anyway. :pint:

I’d say there is a few sour fucks out there this morning who overpaid in a panic. A few more cunts will also hopefully be stuck with the tickets they were trying to rip people off on.

It was kind of funny at the start, bro but you’re talking about around 300,000 people at this stage.

And he’d sell 500,000 if he had the chance :clap: