Gigs coming up

5th Date Sold Out :smiley:

blame it all on my flute

Garth, Garth, Garth

You missed two more there.

This is beyond a joke at this stage.

‘Ok you’ve had your laugh with the big thickos from the island’



Fuck the Croke Park residents

Garth is the man that can change Ireland for the better. I’d love to see him set up a new political party.

He should at least be given US Ambassador to Ireland, imagine him and Trisha up in the Park, there’d be some crack to be had.

Mini michael d could be his friend in low places

Nearly 10% of the country’s population will be going to one of his gigs so. Fucking hell.
first photograph at bottom of the article


And people wonder how Healy Rae establishes a political dynasty in this country

out of pure curiosity I just checked there, still can get tickets for the 5th gig. Maybe I should just relent and join the bandwagon?

Mate you’ll be the one missing out by not going. And in all honesty do you want to be part of a clique that includes the likes of glas, horsebox, carryharry and dodgy keeper? Think carefully.

hmmm. but it means that I have to align myself with a load of fucking tools who think they are country and western fans and wear stupid hick hats and ridiculous checked shirts and big belts with buckles of the state of Texas and put on this fake accent at the gig, ‘aww isnt Gaaawwrth greaaat, wooooo, friends in low places, is like, my favorite song everrr’.

Still sounds better than the alternative clique I’m sure you’ll agree.

By the way, Thunder Rolls is the best Garth song

Sounds like a usual night in the Woolshed, early February for ya :stuck_out_tongue:

Talk of a sixth Garth brooks concert. :frowning:

I hope there is ten, Garth is mugging these cunts off good and proper.

Excellent news for the Association :clap:

Make it 20. An extra 10 for those cunts in the residents association