Gigs coming up

The 4 of Us play Vicar street in April. New album out in January.

Take that play the 3 Arena next May. Any single lads should plan to be there/out in Dublin that night. Wall to wall



is this you

Typical Kate Bush fans

Demographics Male, aged between 40 and 59, most commonly lives in the Midlands. Most likely professions are in IT, engineering and transport and logistics. Slightly leans to the right politically.

Lifestyle Likes Indian and Thai food, going to museums and galleries, watching live music and reading non-fiction. Favourite sports include track cycling, Formula One and motorcycling. Other interests include politics, science, international affairs and the radio. Most popular pet is a cat.

Personality See themselves as ethical, subversive, idiosyncratic but sometimes cantankerous and taciturn.

Brands Shops at Next, New Look, Dorothy Perkins, Zara and buys food from the Co-op. Banks with the Co-op, Blue Harbour is a favourite clothing brand, and the most likely car is a Suzuki.

Entertainment Favourite films include Brazil, The Mission and The Legend of Hercules. Favourite TV shows include Doctor Who, Twin Peaks and Spitting Image. Favourite music, as well as Kate Bush, includes the Eurythmics, Depeche Mode and Roxy Music.

Online Top Facebook pages are Kate Bush, David Bowie and Pink Floyd, while fans follow Mark Gatiss, Lauren Laverne, Bill Bailey and John Prescott on Twitter.

Media Spends 16-20 hours online a week, reads the Guardian, Private Eye, PC Pro, New Scientist and Viz. Likes watching the news on TV, as well as Family Guy and Pointless.

Source: [U] research-firm-reckons-you-are-rightwing[/U]

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1046908, member: 2272”]@farmerinthecity

is this you

Typical Kate Bush fans

Demographics Male, aged between 40 and 59, most commonly lives in the Midlands. Most likely professions are in IT, engineering and transport and logistics. Slightly leans to the right politically.

Lifestyle Likes Indian and Thai food, going to museums and galleries, watching live music and reading non-fiction. Favourite sports include track cycling, Formula One and motorcycling. Other interests include politics, science, international affairs and the radio. Most popular pet is a cat.

Personality See themselves as ethical, subversive, idiosyncratic but sometimes cantankerous and taciturn.

Brands Shops at Next, New Look, Dorothy Perkins, Zara and buys food from the Co-op. Banks with the Co-op, Blue Harbour is a favourite clothing brand, and the most likely car is a Suzuki.

Entertainment Favourite films include Brazil, The Mission and The Legend of Hercules. Favourite TV shows include Doctor Who, Twin Peaks and Spitting Image. Favourite music, as well as Kate Bush, includes the Eurythmics, Depeche Mode and Roxy Music.

Online Top Facebook pages are Kate Bush, David Bowie and Pink Floyd, while fans follow Mark Gatiss, Lauren Laverne, Bill Bailey and John Prescott on Twitter.

Media Spends 16-20 hours online a week, reads the Guardian, Private Eye, PC Pro, New Scientist and Viz. Likes watching the news on TV, as well as Family Guy and Pointless.

Source: [U] research-firm-reckons-you-are-rightwing[/U][/QUOTE]

After her carry on at her ‘gig’, I have no time for her.

Going to see Mastodon in the Academy tomorrow night. Second time to see the worlds greatest metal band live. Giddy.


You gimp.

You gimp.[/QUOTE]
That’s not very nice.

Got sorted for a ticket to see Fleetwood Mac next summer!

This utterly rocked.

[ATTACH=full]1973[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]1974[/ATTACH]

[QUOTE=“Fagan ODowd, post: 1047571, member: 706”]This utterly rocked.

[ATTACH=full]1973[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]1974[/ATTACH][/QUOTE]

Did you head bang at all?

I didn’t. That’s not a good look for baldies.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor coming back to Ireland to Vicar Street in April.

I’ll be there all going well.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1041230, member: 168”]Indie hipster??

Paying to listen to a fella going on about niggers and bitches and grabbing his crotch while doing so :D:D:D I suppose the place will go wild when he smokes a joint on stage… You’ll probably miss half of it anyway as you’ll be in a trance watching big black ones bent over shaking their arse for two hours.

You’ll stay up half the night planning a drive by shooting after it then …

You fucking mug.[/QUOTE]
This gig was fucking dope muthafucker. You should have seen the hoops on the bitches at it. I am still fucking pumped. Get money niggas. #thuglife

Does this mean kev is in da house?


[QUOTE=“Fagan ODowd, post: 1047571, member: 706”]This utterly rocked.

[ATTACH=full]1973[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]1974[/ATTACH][/QUOTE]

At least you were ‘allowed’ to take pictures.

Unlike that pretentious bitch Bush.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1049521, member: 24”]At least you were ‘allowed’ to take pictures.

Unlike that pretentious bitch Bush.[/QUOTE]
Get over it farmer.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1049521, member: 24”]At least you were ‘allowed’ to take pictures.

Unlike that pretentious bitch Bush.[/QUOTE]

Where does she stand on bag-packing, farmer?

U2 have announced a world tour in 2015. Official U2 spokesman Dave Fanning was on Morniing Ireland to discuss the matter. 59 year old Dave’s first word was “wow”