Gigs coming up

I have to draw a line somewhere pal

My 4 year old loves that Downtown song

He likes Bruno Mars too

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

A bit like The Clash really.

Like the Clash, really.

Is that the song about riding the scooter that they are always playing on Today FM?


The Pixies and The Clash, ah Fagan :sweat:

With the Downtown chorus

Fuck up…

Fuck up yourself.

I’ve heard worse.

If you listen to today fm every day, undoubtedly.

I liked the Pixies, but having seen them on their reformation tour in Dublin was a major disappointment. Zero chemistry on stage. Appeared to be going through the motions. What about their influences Fagan? Any interest there? Jesus and Mary Chain? Husker Du?

@KinvarasPassion - These guys… Academy… 14 Feb

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Lovely, I might bring the ould fella :-grinning:

Surfer Rosa and Doolittle are both cracking albums you dolt. The Pixies were a most excellent band and highly influential until Francis and Kim Deal started hating each other. The dynamics on Surfer Rosa are outstanding, get your self a copy on vinyl and play it on max volume.

Do - it’ll soften his cough when he feels the full effects of the mosh. And, it’ll get his mind of the flooding.

Fair enough. I think who you love music wise is usually a fluke anyway. I had 3 older brothers mad into Pixies when I was a gasun so I was converted from an early age.

Listening back now I think Surfer Rosa is one of those albuns that makes you go - holy fuck what was that? It wasn’t like anything else, probably had origins back in Beefheart or Pere Ubu but nothing obvious. The album is helped hugely by Albini on the knobs and arguably he is the real star. That is 10 out of 10 album for me.

I like the other three earlier albuns and love many of the songs. But when you read the likes of Pitchfork blowing their load over them just because it is the fashionable thing to do then it annoys you. They are overrated in my opinion. Of course Pitchfork went the other way on the last album following the comeback which they slated even though it wasn’t bad at all.

I grew up with Pixies so they will always will be one of my favourite ever bands. I think Surfer Rosa is one of the great albums and they have many more killer tunes. Also they don’t seem to give a fuck genuinely which is appealing as well.

Kendrick Lamar playing Longitude on the Friday. This won’t end well.

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