Gigs coming up

Iā€™d say youā€™ll be grand.

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Louis CK coming to 3 Arena on August 15th. I cannot fucking wait.

The Divine Comedy are playing Dublin in February. Very tempting.

I think @farmerinthecity is a fan? @TreatyStones were you a fan also?


I was a big fan and was only wondering the other day what they were at.

Theyā€™ve a new album out apparently

Nothing worse than going to a gig being lambasted with a new album for the night.



Yes February

Signing in

Just in from Declan Oā€™Rourke in UL. Had the RTE Orchestra with him. Very enjoyable gig. Iā€™d nearly go to the orchestra after it. Seeing them in the flesh was very impressive

Cuntish for your age Iā€™d say.[quote=ā€œHorsebox, post:1281, topic:6619, full:trueā€]
35 soon but frequently told Iā€™m extremely immature and childish for my age.

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So you love your orchestra, yeah?

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I am not sure if this should be in the confessions thread or not. I went to see Maroon5 tonight.

How are you so young? Were you not in David Fordeā€™s class? Heā€™s nearly 37. :confused:

Is this your first time encountering @Horsebox? Heā€™s the biggest lying cunt on the interwebā€¦The fucker doesnt even who David Forde is.

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Oh @Horsebox.

@horsebox was highly intelligent and was in a class with older kids.

David Forde was a thick cunt and kept backā€¦ will be the spin Horsey will put on this.

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Much more likely.