Gigs coming up

I did actually wear a beret as a young man :blush: I smoked Camels though. You couldnā€™t get Gauloises on Barrack St.

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You forgot @glasagusban

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Gauloises. Now that brings back memories chief. A strong fucker of a cigarette if memory serves me correct?

I go to cool gigs pal, you probably missed the subtext.

@Fagan_ODowd would this be good?


Screamedalica is close to a perfect score for an album but not quite there.

Youā€™re twisting my melon man

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I loved give out but donā€™t give up, maybe even more than screamadelica, probably completely because of the timing.

The latest one Chaosmosis is pretty decent.

Maybe short of perfect but it was a gamechanger.

Asking Fagan for advice on what to like. Fucks sake.

I expect Johnny McEvoy will sell out now :frowning:


Primal Scream should be good. :sunglasses:

Tuesday night is a bit of an unusual time though ?

Depeche Mode not playing in Ireland next summer

Would hardly waste a prime slot on Limerick.

Big Top is a good venue. Saw Kasabian there and the viewing is generally very good, even for a midget like myself.

Take it to the gigs not coming up thread, dickhead.

Another example of the unnecessarily nasty streak running through your posting at the moment.

Sorry, mate. This type of post is contrary to what one would expect on TFK. Thanks for reminding me of my posting obligations.