
[quote=“Arseboxin, post: 357436”]

Get her pissed. Get her into the sack and ask her what her fantasy is. It’ll take a bit of ah go on, but she will. She’ll ask you then - if she has any sort of horn for you she’ll try it at least. You have the drink as an excuse if she finds her ideals again in the sober light of day. The fantasy shit will also reveal how dirty she’s willing to get. Win win[/quote]

There’s some good funny stuff on this thread but that there is tremendous advice.

Right lads, I used blade 1 on the oul beard trimmer in my special area this morning and I’m seeing her tonight after work, so everything is nicely set up.

She keeps it trim enough anyway, so it’s not too bad.

Is it normal for them to have hairy holes as well, though?

You sure you’re not fucking a yeti thrawneen, this wan sounds awful hairy.

She sounds like a bit of a filthy minger mate with her hairy hole and massive bush-maybe best to just give her the oul heave ho after tonights rendevouz.

Her bush is trimmed, it’s not too bad. I just prefer the bald look. She doesn’t have hairy arms. Or armpits. Or a tache. So I wouldn’t give her the road over something as trivial as a hairy hole. In another, possibly more accurate, way, though, it’s not that trivial and I want some deforestation to happen down there sooner rather than later.

Hmm…tough one alright. Not into the bald look myself-I prefer a landing strip or just nice trimmed triangle but I think a hairy hole would be a bit off-putting. I suppose it depends-are they dark coarse spider legs flowing out of her rusty sherrif badge or just light fluff? I wouldn’t mind a bit of fluff but if she has man arse, then just have a bit of fun later and then say thanks love but this guy can’t be pinned down to just one lady.

Its not a good sign if she won’t keep it smooth 4 months down the line. I’ll admit its been a while since my days of fresh meat but you’d usually expect them to keep making the effort town there for in or around the year mark at least.

What id do for what it’s worth is I’d come back to the surface and subtlety make a bit of a deal about having pubes in your teeth, ask her has she floss or a toothpick, that sort of thing. If she doesn’t act then she is helpless. A few years down the line this chick will most likely see simple hygiene acts such as wiping herself after a piss as a chore.
If you are still with her in 10 years will will probably be wiping her arse

This man has just given you your answer Thrawneen-fantastic idea. :clap: This will embarrass her into action-it might even get her to clean up the man arse situation as well.

This is the only way to go.

While this is a good idea, it’ll only make her tidy up - you won’t get the baldy look you’re after.

What sort of slackjawed yokel would pick his birds cunthair out of his teeth in front of her?

So what do you do, tell her, I will be back in a minute love, just going to the bathroom to remove your cunthair (as you put it) from my mouth, you look after yourself till I get back. :slight_smile:

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but you’ve a hairy snatch, shave it maybe?

:clap: :clap:

As said above, you ask her if she’s ever thought about it in a playful way, then you can gauge the reaction. If it’s not completely knocked out of the park then you can encourage it, and by saying how much you like her frontbum etc. Worked for me before. A bit of hair around the back door is probably normal, the more thorough waxing place will take care of this too. Win win!

Of course it helps. They’ve all read this muck 50 shades book. Well, if they want rough sex, they can have it. A good shoulder across the room or slap down on her wrist, Tommy Walsh style, as she fondles your balls.

50 Shades is yesterday folks. It’s all Bared To You now.

That sounds like a Rocko team talk.

Thraw is this your burd? :lol: