Giving to Charity

It’s done mate, they hit it Friday. I suspect someone came with with 6 figures to get them over the line. The mini fundraisers weren’t going through gofundme either, so they were even higher than we realised all along. An astonishing achievement.

It’s also incredibly time sensitive. The poor chap has already lost the use of his legs.

I hope it works out for them.
Novartis behaviour is appalling. “global lottery”.

What happens the money raised if they fail to hit the target?

They made it and have money to divert also to another charity.

Two million euros donated to a multinational conglomerate. The price that conglomerate put on the life a first world child.


It does seem a lot. Perhaps you could develop the life saving treatment for a child and sell it a bit cheaper.

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What is happening to all this money that people are raising? Is it actually going to charities or is there people scamming like what happened with the collections for the Tsumani in the early 2000’s.

They didn’t develop it.
Anyhow, I’m not going to do your research for you.
I have my opinion on this. You should try reading a bit more before drawing inference.

Mrs Hunt and I were wondering about that. Say they raised 1.8m, would they go to these Satanists and say “this is all we could raise”. Do the Satanists say “piss off we want 2m” or would they take the money.

I got bitten by a potentially rabid dog down in Asia one time and was on the bed about to get some jab when the nurse came running in screaming and waving her arms. The doctor stopped and told us the credit card had been rejected. It was quite the insight on the value some people put on life.


Do you froth at the mouth every time you see the Leinster Senior Cup, I wonder?

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What are you trying to say here

What inference?

What is so hard to understand? Are all these people who are collecting money for good causes legit or scammers?

What people?

And what happens the money if they fall short of the target. I know they met the target this time thankfully but not all the time.

So they were saving your life and you tried to fuck them out of 70 quid. Unbelievable.

The appalling lack of faith in humanity is some eye-opener, even to us cap-dofferers

Taz reckons they crippled the child for a few quid

If you don’t haggle they get disappointed.

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What are you talking about ya scumbag? I never said anything of the sort. I expect an apology from you. You complete and utter scumbag