Giving to Charity

I asked you what you were trying to say. Explain yourself.

Fuck off scumbag. How dare you accuse me of what you did. You out and out scumbag cunt

Seems odd you wont explain why you were asking where the money people were raising was going. Most normal people would presume it was going to help a poor sick 1 year old.

Scumbag go back and look at my original and tell me where I was replying to anything you had posted? Go on and tell me was I replying to you.

I asked you to explain yourself, and you still wont. You’re acting very strangely here. Maybe head out for a walk. You’re acting really strangely here.

Was I replying you in my original post? Was I? a simple yes or no

Its a forum, I asked you to explain your post, which you still wont, yet are hiding behind a strange strawman you are building. Listen, you’re a cynical man who would question parents raising money for a sick one year old. Own it if thats how you feel. I just find it odd behaviour.

Go way out of that, you just accused me of saying that the people probably crippled their own child to make a few quid. Stop trying to squirm your way out of this. Just apologise for that accusation. Scumbag

Odd you still won’t explain yourself. You reckon people set up go fund me’s are looking to scam money. Like the people who were being discussed here.

@tazdedub missing the rathoath inn it seems

Are ye all set for the Christmas lads?

I asked a simple question are you too stupid to understand?

A simple misunderstanding guys, I see where the confusion was but no need to dig trenches here

I’ll explain. Novartis bought the small french company off the team who developed the treatment. There was then some controversy about trial data that I’ll not go into.
Novartis then decided it was going to make it the most expensive treatment on the market, bar none. More expensive than any other genome therapy per administration by far.
There was an outcry, so Novartis decided that they would mitigate this by, quite seriously, having a raffle for 100000 free treatments globally.
This global life lottery attracted quite some comment.
How Novartis arrived at the pricing is the thing, and how, if it is truly that expensive to manufacture, they can donate 100000 treatments via lottery, and still make money? How does this reflect upon the price they arrived at?
My issue is that the treatment is so expensive that it requires an extraordinary fundraising effort unlikely to be available to all. Sin e.
@myboyblue is perfectly happy with this clearly, and simply infers that anyone questioning it should invent one themselves and repeat it.


Must be pretty common so. No more than arms manufacturers, you’d hope the people that ok the pricing on these treatments burn in hell.


Everyone involved wins bar the unfortunate and parents when the treatment sometimes fails,sad fact that in this world money talks,big pharma fucking decides what the prices are for various life-saving medicine, governments worldwide try to play catch-up buy never do,
Charities/ NGOs are big business worldwide who also NEVER lose,was involved for years in a romanian relief fund and can honestly say as soon as the money/ goods/ material left IRELAND the scamming started,from the border guards to the directors and the child protection ppl in the various Aids/ TB clinics/ orphanages we worked in

That’s a bit depressing. We’re no angels ourselves.

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I accept your backdown and apology.

Be zen.

I’m curious about this?

What would have happened if they only raised 900k or something?