Giving to Charity

No one is it’s bloody human nature at it’s worst GREED not need

The south Africans* have the right idea when it comes to big pharma: generics and fuck off with your patents.

*The policy is sound enough but SA is a basket case.

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The Navajo tribe donated USD 170 to this nation toward the end of the Great Famine.
Currently they’re under extreme pressure due to C-19 on a reservation near Flagstaff AZ.

Paddy has responded as only Paddy does by putting his hand in his pocket to the tune of USD 300k with some very nice, touching and decent comments.

It’s been a nice timely reciprocal gesture that has been driven by the man on the street.
There’s a GoFundMe page if anyone’s interested although we’re awash with good causes.


Careful mate, the Choctaw’s on here wont thank you for this.

I’m cool here bro, they’re Lokatas AFAIK.

Fair effort by Cahir

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Ah the man is different class. A phenomenal achievement. He wouldn’t do anything by half.

I was in SuperValu there earlier and got to the checkout. Would I like to donate €2 to Motor Neuron disease. No. I’ll be asked this every time I checkout now.

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Was it the cause or the fact you were asked by SV?

I actually donated to this the last time I was in a SuperValu. I’ll probably be asked everytime I checkout too.

The fact that I was asked by SV. It annoyed me.


I appreciate that Liverpool won the title tonight and this is the absolute last thing most of you want to talk about but I have some info today that might interest the forum.

I had a chat with a friend today who works in the charity sector and who had a bit to say about Pi3ta H0use.

This friend had another friend who was suffering from severe depression and was suicidal. Apparently the depressed person’s parents wrote to PH looking for help. The parents (my friend says) got a letter back from PH saying that they don’t deal with severe depression, only people with mild depression. My friend’s point was that they have a major issue with PH’s figures. PH are saying that they’ve saved 30,000 people (or something like that) from suicide. But of course there’s no way they can no that if the people they help were only mildly depressed. My friend basically says that Pieta House is a crock of shite and all those lovely people running Darkness Into Light for PH are being tricked by them. PH would never have helped most of their dead loved ones.

My friend had some other info also. Because they work in the charity sector they had a friend who left to work for PH a while ago but came running back after just 2 months. Supposedly the reason was that they realised pretty quickly that the whole of PH is dodgy as fuck and the whole thing is on the verge of collapse with a major scandal ensuing. My friend thinks that the Charity’s Regulator is really good and is looking at PH hard at the moment.

If you think about it, the government does fuck all for mental health but it’s a big problem so people need something to believe in and for want of something better they project their hopes for mental health care in Ireland onto PH, even if the reality of PH doesn’t match what people want it to be.

I should say that I know nothing about this first-hand, only what my friend told me today.

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Good post, confirms my suspicions. The whole charity thing around depression/homelessness is a cod. The Govt need to set up something like the RSA for both and centralise funding. Money falling through cracks there goodo to evil pricks exploiting on good people fundraising. Console, REHAB…

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Seen a good bit on twitter about this over the last few weeks

I’ve a story about Pieta House along very similar lines very close to me. To say I’d not have much time for them is putting it mildly.

I think like many charities they have possibly just gotten too big and I’m sure there’s no real intention to defraud?

Any links ?

Seems in this country the bigger the charity is the more dodgy they are. Can’t fucking trust any of them.

I read somewhere that PH had laid off a bunch of staff during the crisis but didn’t know what truth was in it. Would personally be devastated if it turned out they were the same as other swindlers as I’ve personally campaigned for them in the past and genuinely believed they were different.

I think that if PH was found wanting it would well be the tipping point that would bring a much needed pogrom in the charity sector to clear out the carpetbaggers and failed politicians

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