Giving to Charity

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Didn’t know that about them at all. Good to know, I’ve avoided the big ones for years especially ones that pay people to fundraise or have big CEO types running them. Stick to local voluntary


That’s it in a nutshell

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The kids raised 500 euro today by hosting a ‘danceathon’ for the neighbours,

Even got a novelty giant cheque,


You were going well until…

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Outstanding stuff tracksuit.

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There was a thread on reddit I think about this a few months back. If what was said was true it was pretty damning. The best paid people in organisations like this are usually the CEO and head of fundraising. Theres usually a big sweeping brush kept close by ready to be used at short notice as well. Those doing the important work are usually volunteers or poorly paid. Then you have the likes of bressies crowd on this RTE thing "raising awareness " and paying themselves handsomely for it.

Well Milford won out, the initial suggestion for a charity was ‘save the covid’

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Here’s the reddit thread. 24000 a year for therapists if true is a disgrace. .

They spend over 2 million a year to run darkness in to light. Is that not volunteer led??

Events are volunteer led. They advertise the shite out of it which probably doesn’t come cheap

Well deserved 10th like given there epal

I see @flattythehurdler or @Tassotti made a contribution. Fair play…

This is the crowd that all the money raised on the RTE show went to. Have a look at the board and staff. I’d wonder how much of the money raised will actually end up in the pockets of those who need it. Also seems fishy if the government were matching funds to them. All seems very suspect to me

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Fair play to them.

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No directors took remuneration. Fairly small staff costs circa 500k also.

500k is hardly small for staff costs for a charity is it?

Of that size it’s not bad 50odd mil of investment.

That’s a lot of charities.