Giving to Charity

Console charity co-founder to face ‘lengthy and complex’ trial

Some examples of bad practice in Cambodia:

  • Huge amount of orphanages here which are demonstrably harmful for children.
  • Larger NGOs often have high turnover of staff with little impact on situation on the ground
  • Unqualified or under qualified people in positions of power
  • Lack of transparency on funds raised
  • Poverty porn used to attract funds

There are some charities that are genuinely doing fantastic work. These tend to be smaller, have greater transparency and a low staff turnover. I was attracted to work for my current employer because they admitted many of the mistakes they made publicly so as other charities would not make the same errors.

The need for quality charities in developing countries has only grown in recent times. For instance here in Cambodia rates of malnutrition have already risen 45% for children in Siem Reap. Crime is on the rise and there is no social welfare system for the millions who are being impacted by COVID-19. Charities are often only support mechanism for many people in countries like Cambodia but there is a danger that as people look to only support local charities in their home countries the impact on people in Global South will be massive. Making educated choices is very important and that is why it is refreshing that in Ireland at least development education is now part of the curriculum at primary level.


Limerick cunts

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They’ll investigate that until the cows come home.


That fella with the chawklit is in on this. Gil will shit himself

Heartbreaking stuff to see things like this, and puts a lot into perspective. To need hundreds of thousands just for a chance to save her life. Hopefully they get their target and more importantly that the treatment works.


What part of Wexford are they from @Gman?

Edit: not that I need to know that to assess whether it’s a worthy cause. Just wondering.

Feck that’s a change from Cork cunts​:joy::joy::joy::joy: thought twould be Dublin cunts after the hurling massacre
( couldn’t resist sorry)

Her mam is from Rathrnure and teaches in Rathgarouge school, and I’m nearly sure the father is from Oulart.

I’ve made a sizeable anonymous donation. I’m off to LinkedIn now to say how proud I am of myself.

And also for passing my CAP 1 exams. Which seems to be the new thing.


Posted this up this morning and they had about €140k or so raised. They’ve just hit the 375k target. Things like this restore some faith in people and the good there is. I don’t know the family or anything either, but to see so many people give towards it to give a little girl a chance, delighted for them. Just hope the treatment goes ahead now and that it will be successful.

Over €200k from TFK.

That’s some going. Even by our standards.


Thanks for posting mate.

It’s not a big donation but I’ve sent €21 their way. This will mark the first 21km of my marathon effort on Sunday.

I’ll send the other €21 to @RaymondCrotty (Ray - please put up the best link for this) to mark the second half. Would love to be able to do more for both causes, but things are a little tight at the moment with the Mrs back on the PUP


Many thanks cauli. It is really greatly appreciated by us here in Cambodia.

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Job done pal :+1::+1:

Should be there now.


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I’ll sign up for a small monthly direct debit donation if the option exists? Great cause,

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It does mate. Click on Ray’s link there and you can hit monthly for your payment option :+1:

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