Giving to Charity

Approaching €404500 just now. Thanks for sharing that.

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I used to work with one of the lads involved in organising this. Started as a unique idea and has gained a huge amount of traction. If you’re looking for something to donate too then there’s plenty worse than this.

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Not quite giving to charity but a petition to sign. I don’t know what you might think about this one but there is a storyline in Emmerdale due to come up in the next few weeks. There’s a couple who are pregnant, who get a scan, find out the child has Down Syndrome and decide to abort the child.
I’ve nothing against choice and a woman’s choice to get an abortion but the reason doesn’t sit right with me. If you feel the same then please follow the link and sign up. Thanks lads.


Yeah it is something I feel passionately about. No child who has down syndrome should be aborted. They are the most loving children.


I always give a bit to childline around this time of year. An incredibly valuable service. God help these poor kids.

The donate link


If you really want to help child line you should give up your location.

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Only charity I will make a donation too is the St Francis Hospice. Seen the work they do up close with the way they looked after my father in his final few weeks, could not have asked for better.


Sorry for you loss.

How does your Credit Card work?

Thoughts on this lads?

I’d expect any well-run organisation to be paying top dollar. However, didn’t someone here have an expose on Pieta a while back? Or am I mixing that up?

It’s not exceptional money for the CEO and a Finance Director of an organization that is probably turnover 10’s of millions a year.

Why doesn’t Chay Bowes treat his patients for free?


Twitter says you’re wrong. Should get someone for 50k or less. Or for free.

Look at Adi Roche for example. Doing it for free.

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The bigger issue is the fragmentation of the charity sector with multiple charities basically all trying to do the same thing and fighting for the same funding.


All so fellas can get fit without feeling self obsessed.

I mentioned before there’s something amiss in Pieta. We’ll see what comes.

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as appendage and treatystones note, its not that huge a figure for a CEO. Pieta House are one of the biggest and well known charities and organisations in the country. You dont get to that point without leadership and structure and operating under a business model.

They are bemoaning that some counselors were let go but that these high paid staff should work for free. Well why should anyone be paid then? Let them all work for free and see how far they’d get. It is a bit of an oxymoron that a charity has high expenses or CEOS on “big” money, but I’m not sure how they would operate if they offer this job as a non salary paying role.

I’ve had dealings with Pieta house some years back and they were excellent. Its disappointing to hear then @myboyblue comments that things are amiss in there. Another concern or rehab scandal would be a huge issue for all charities, not just pieta house.


Like all these things, the people on the ground generally tend to be fantastic. I wont say anymore as it may have been a bad experience and time will tell.

I’d be of the view that there are no particular issues with the pay. There’s no way anybody is going to do that job for 50k. And if they are, they’re not qualified for it.

Somebody here (and it might have been @myboyblue) said something a few years ago about Pieta. I just can’t find the post

That may be somewhat more reassuring. I doubt everyone has a 100% approval rating for Pieta house. Its such a hard situation to be going there and like anything, I’m sure there are some cracks or some things that do not help the people they should and they will have a bad experience. It doesnt excuse it, but if it was more of a bad case or bad set up rather than some sort of administrative siphoning of money or something that is a proper scandal, it’d be a bit better.

It’s not really comparable to a CEO in other organisations though …you don’t see many getting fired for poor performance…also there’s a big vacuum between them at the top and the volunteers doing their bit on the ground which has led to a lot of messing in other charities …