Giving to Charity

No good could come from a company with that fucking advert

Are we there yet?

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Unfortunately Another nail in coffin for Ireland’s (not) for profits.

All charity should be local

Yep. It’s the end of the road for this cash cow.


Jesus that’s fairly outrageous carry on.

Giving to charities (particularly smaller charities) who work in developing countries can do great good. Money can go much further than would often be the case in the developed world.


certainly can judging by the distances youre covering in your new asics, flip belt and sunglasses :smiley:

joking aside, give all your monies to TFK approved charities such as @RaymondCrotty s excellent work


There were other rumours swirling around as well relating to the prices they paid when purchasing animals, and always going through the same buyer…

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And you are the perfect example of how it works. Give it to someone you trust working local.


Seems to be an air of premeditation off this one… Long term employee, leaves on sick grounds in 2011, returns in 2014 and the dishonesty begins. Perhaps it was there before 2011 too but he got the keys to the kingdom in 2014.

This is the lowest of the low. You’d have to have some sympathy for this kids. He should do a nice stint for this, the thieving cunt.


Absolutely. It goes way way beyond throwing the odd dinner on the company card by ‘accident.’ Reminds me of a woman who nicked a load of money from the Irish balls in China. The charity the money was promised to came out and apologetically asked for the money they had been promised which had never shown up. Turns out she had been stiffing the hotels as well. And fleecing the donations people put up for auction. And mostly likely the Gaa club and the football team of which she was treasurer.


What is it with Tipp lads?

They get away with it simply because there’s no real regulation ,was involved in a Romanian relief fund charity and it was a charity genuine as fuck,but we’d a n utter cunt of a painting contractor involved who robbed/ used half of of the material I was able to get donated from various diy shops in Derry,I was a foreman painter with a housing charity ( government funded etc)
Home and 2 others we fucked out but replaced by guys more interested in PRO for their firms than helping orphans and children with aids, between that and the amount of stuff that was misdirected including money when we travelled over I got seriously disgruntled after nearly 11-12 yrs,like all charities it draws in both the genuine ppl and the parasites

At one stage we’d the Derry mayor over, Cathal Crumley ( drummer)who raymond gilmore put away with 6/7 life sentences briefly,so w’ed good ppl involved mostly, but the fuckin scamming orphanage directors and staff in ALL the various clinics etc we used maintain were something else altogether

I see the from CEO of Bothar has been found dead at home.

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This is a different former CEO right?

He hadn’t been mentioned in the recent coverage from what I remember?

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It is not the guy currently on trial but he had also been the focus of a recent investigation

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