Giving to Charity

Dunno but that Moloney lad is from Limerick originally.

Hes dead now anyway

Moloney is on his own now.

You’d want to be well on it to be firing out a shot like that on the internet.

Darkness into light going ahead this year.

Can someone fire up article’s on pietas financing? They’re on my blacklist of charities.

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Keep charity local lads


Big charity shame on the late late next week for these crooks

Tubs will get to the bottom of this

I really uncomfortable with those “I’m doing A parachute jump for charity x” but it’s a few hundred euro to pay for the jump

So essentially half of your donation is paying for someone to have a good time/experience (I know some folks would cover I’d jump themselves) which requires minimal input from them.

Bugs me
Won’t get fooled again
I need a bit of zen now


Same as going to india/Africa to build a cow shed etc.

Niall Mellon organised some piss ups and ended up in NAMA


Good to see those who participated in Darkness into Light this morning getting their just reward for their efforts through sweet Instagram/Facebook likes. A real feel good story.


Everyone is a winner.

Sometimes I think many of these corporate charity fundraisers are more for the good PR than out of any genuine concern for good causes.


They’re not on my blacklist as I can personally testify that my son more than likely wouldn’t be here today without Pieta house, the counselling up there is life saving,
Pieta and any cancer charity I support, obviously the shagging government should be doing more ref mental health amongst our young ,Pieta :+1::+1:


U know you’re right to an extent I’d the same opinion on SVP until my friends daughter ( volunteer accountant in SVP) pointed out that yes money is sometimes wasted but generally the ppl who need it get it- you’ll ALWAYS have gougers in any large organization

Good to hear they helped but I won’t give money to a charity that the directors are stealing a living away from the vulnerable.

I had a lovely sleep in until 10 looked at social media and sent on the links MMB posted to my brother who did DIL and is allergic to getti g out of bed.

I much rather give my money to Limerick suicide prevention or the other crowd prevention of suicide in limerick (its literally monty python). These guys patrol the bridges every night. I’m sure there is other local cork crowds too.


spot on, those cunts out walking this morning don’t give a fuck about suicide, its all about insta likes