Giving to Charity

Each to his /her own, when despair hits you in the gob you turn to whomever can help
In our case Pieta


Ah TBF most are genuine ,yes you get the posing self centred clown’s aswell, every charity does

My late friend Harry Boyle was a founding member of Foyle search and rescue, really great outfit - saved hundreds maybe more,but even that great charity attracted idiots and me feiners- but the vast vast majority are :100: genuine


The people I can get over but the corporates that routinely push people to their limits in terms of stress and negative impact on lives. They is the ones that annoys me.


Agree wholeheartedly

Anyone interested in a small donation YM are doing a charity run at the end of month for milford hospice and the Kevin Bell foundation.

I wont be skimming off the top of any tfk donations :joy::joy:.


Seeing a lot of tweets to this effect over the weekend, people who were turned away and refused help by Pieta because they were “too suicidal” or because they had consumed alcohol at the time of the suicide attempt.

Rightly or wrongly Pieta are now portrayed as the suicide prevention service in Ireland. Surely it would be devastating for someone on the brink like that to be turned away.

Obviously these services should be provided by the government to protect everyone with suicidal thoughts, but if Pieta are putting themselves out there in the manner they are they its wrong for them to be abdicating responsibility when cases are “too serious”.


It comes down to resources too. Pieta House can’t manage the depression needs of the country. They don’t have the staff, buildings or other resources to be the sole state provider. To deal with the most serious of cases takes a highly trained and experienced counsellor or therapist, which obviously costs a lot to hire.

People have an issue with paying the wages of CEO and other high end admin staff in there, but their argument would be that their work brings them to Pieta House being the most recognized suicide prevention charity. And board members, like Regina O Doherty, don’t get paid.

That’s not to say PH are perfect and shouldn’t be questioned on both their funding and how they go about their work, but they are doing a lot of good work.


I don’t like to be the prick who say TNH but that sounds like it may have been enhanced, it’s just too hard to believe that version of events.

I can state honestly that in a scale of 1 to 10 reference have a formulated plan to kill yourself and the will to do it my boy was at 8 and his counsellor opened my eyes :eyes:, total shock surprise when I understood this, my initial reaction to him ( to my great shame)when he told me his feelings in the way to Pieta was " grow a pair of balls and cop on,do we really need to go to Pieta"
I was thinking of me ,got it all wrong,old school didn’t understand the severity of the situation,how glad am.i that he was accepted ( he initiated it through his school)
I didn’t listen ,lesson learned , he’s a different boy now totally back to normal,all down to Pieta no contest, I’d no skills to deal with this,so dad’s LISTEN TO THE KIDS.

PS he’d a county final that very first Pieta session,and at the time i was more worried about them losing because he was missing than taking how serious his fragile mental state was( bullying at school not physical as he’d kick shit out of those doing it,he’s a fit 6-3",black belt,but online etc ,I never copped it and all cos he knew I’d go up to the school and break bones) sorted the bullies without physical violence , they’re parents got the message,one was fucked out


He’s from Limerick city originally kid.

Fair play to your young lad, and fair play to you too. You’ve both grown in the process.

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Tnx it certainly woke my dopey brain up

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Fuck me

I’ve flagged this previously lads. Beware the virtue signallers.

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Hard to believe you read the full thread there before commenting like this


There were a few anonymous donations after this post that I will chalk up to the good people of tfk. Much appreciated. Tfk has contributed more donations than any of the pro munster players who’s ‘club’ is YM.

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Lads would be better of giving their money to Angela’s school than to Irish charities working abroad

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