Giving to Charity

A mighty fine gesture :+1:

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Pretty sure you have pal, will send it in just in case.

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@Locke if i haven’t donated then fire me on the link

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Hi All,

We’re at the eve of the Tour de Munster, training is done, the bike is cleaned and serviced, new tires are put onto her (Vittoria Open Pave CG III with a green stripe, wasn’t sure about the stripe but they look class!!), and we’ll set off from the English Market around 09:15 on our way to Limerick through East Cork, West Waterford, South Tipp and into the home of Liam.
I’ll give brief updates after each day but expect them to be around fighting the weather which looks grim over the four days but it is what it is.
On my iDonate page I’m lucky enough to have raised €2,270.00 and it’s rising due to work due to give me a sizable donation and more promises to land. Please know that those from TFK have raised €1,065 of that total and it could be higher due to a few anonymous donations that I can’t quite place. As someone said to me by DM hasn’t there been such a great turnout by randomers off the INTERNET and it’s true, ye are all great, thank you all so, so much, it means a lot. I’m really going to try and win this thing for you guys :slight_smile:

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Forza TFK!!


You need to be going at 110% the whole way :wink:


I promise you Tass that when the Hammerdrops are called I will put in 110%, I give you my word.

If his average HR isn’t above 160, he may as well be at home in the bed

If mine went above 160 I’d be dead

Best of luck @Locke
It’s a mighty endeavour, are ye passing through Kerry at all, here for a few days.

Spending the day of Saturday in the Kingdom. Stops in dingle, Milford, Killarney and then Kenmare.

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Fantastic @Locke. Enjoy the experience.

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Would you think of going out to wave at the pelaton?

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He wrote ‘Locke Roche Earley’ on the road in white paint

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Can u send me on details?

@Locke looking trim :muscle::+1:


The light blue socks really suit him

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Best of luck, can you send me on a link please?

First casualties of the TdeM as a result of @Locke pudhing dozens of people out of the way to get to the front for the Echo photographer

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we get it, ye know what he looks like, stop trying so hard ffs


Everybody knows @Locke

This isn’t an anonymous forum anymore