Going to the Dentist

I get Decare dental through work & then i send the reciept off to VHI too. A filling recently cost me about 15 quid.

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A lad in his 20s or 30s never having heard of a wisdom tooth. And he from Tipp. There’s surely a one liner there for the taking. I’ll leave it to @Julio_Geordio or @TreatyStones to close it out

I got a belt of a hurley about 25 years ago which knocked out one of my front teeth. The dentist splinted it in within the hour in a procedure that wouldn’t pass muster nowadays I’m sure.

About 15 years in it had started to discolour so I got a veneer.

5 years on my dentist told me it would have to go… Could come out at any moment and wasn’t secure. I needed an implant. Roll on about 15 dentist visits, a 3 year spell wearing a denture and a bone graft which involved bone being pared from my jaw and embedded in my gum and I will be the proud owner of an implant next Monday.

6 grand lighter all in I’d say


That’s horrific. What was the need for the bone graft? Could they not just put a screw into the jaw?

Wasn’t enough bone there so needed to be bolstered. I suppose there had been no root on that tooth for so long the bone was gone

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Fuck sake, and you pleading the poor mouth to others about not having money

If near CUH u cannwalk into the dentist hospital
May get looked at
My 2 friends did anyway

He lives somewhere between Nenagh and the greasy spoon in Heuston Station

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Maybe it might be worth a call to the local dentist. He has been known to carry out emergency procedures in local watering houses. Two double whiskeys are needed. One for the patient and one for the practitioner.


Had a lower molar (second from back) disintegrate randomly on me in the middle of ating a pizza many moons ago. No pain in the lead up or afterwards.

Eventually went to a dentist a few weeks later and got the remainder pulled out, I remember yer man hacking away at it for a while with a pliers, blood spattering off the lights and the walls. Didn’t feel a thing though, the anaesthetic must have taken care of that or else there wasn’t a nerve left there to begin with. So it was actually grand as dentist visits go.

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The thought crossed my mind earlier alright but while things are bad, they are not that bad yet.

Slight difference paying to have a necessary medical procedure vs heading off the Sandy Lane with the kids for the mid term

One of my lower molars (second from the back on the lower right - it would normally be third from the back but my wisdom tooth never came up on the lower right) had a massive chunk break off while I was chewing a King crisp while propped up at the bar of Devitt’s pub on Camden Street about 8;30pm on the night of Sunday August 1st, 2004. In this case there was also no pain either before or afterwards, just a chunk of tooth.

I had this filled by a dentist a few days later but it flared up again four years later and had to be root canaled the day before Obama won the 2008 US election. This was a brutal process, not least because the dentist insisted to me that McCain was going to win. I watched that election in agony with the least nudge of my jaw setting off a throbbing pain across the lower half of my head. Then a couple of days later it stopped. I never went back for the crown.

Six years later, on the afternoon of July 5th 2014, while walking through the Redfern district of Sydney, the tooth started flaring up at me again, I noticed a swelling and soreness in the outside gum underneath it. About four weeks later, the swelling switched from the outside of the gum to the inside of the gum. I went to the dentist in October 2014 and was prescribed antibiotics but this didn’t work. I went back to the dentist after the corresponding tooth on the lower left had had a chunk fall off it. I got that tooth filled and was again prescribed antibiotics but again this did not work for the tooth on the right.

The swelling continued for a year and a half from July 2014 before erupting over Christmas 2015 with massive stinging and pain. On December 27tth, there was a massive bursting of what I now knew to be an abscess and pus filled my mouth, but the pain subsided very quickly.

Over the course of 2016 the swelling returned but there wasn’t much pain. By October 2016 the dentist was telling me to get the tooth pulled. I was foolishly persuaded by my mother that I should not do this in order to “save the tooth” and a moderate level of pain returned in the run up to Christmas.

I said “fuck this” and arranged to get the tooth pulled on January 4th, 2017, and pulled it was, it had a massive crack down to the tip of the remaining root. I haven’t regretted that decision for a single day apart from approximately the first 90 to 100 days which were shite as I felt constantly disorientated and imbalanced due to having a massive hole in my gum. Never chew steak, or chew anything on the side where you have a massive hole where a tooth used to be. The food falls down the hole and it ends up stinking. I at least avoided the dreaded dry socket. The hole in the gum had largely filled in by the summer of 2017 and I have now grown out of the habit sticking my tongue through the gap between my teeth. That’s a lie, actually, I’m doing it as I type this.


or paying for the kitchen with an island

My wife had two sets of dental implants done in the last year. There’s no fucking way I’d do it. Barbaric.

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The optimum method for removing a tooth is to tie a brick to the end of a piece of string, tie the other end of the string to your tooth and throw the brick from a first floor window.


I’ve never had a filling yet. Been very lucky that way. Never had any bother with them at all other than a bit of discomfort when my wisdom teeth came through at 18 years of age.

Tis important to look after them in fairness. Cost you a fortune otherwise.


That’s how the Russians do it. But they’re currently out of bricks. And string.

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It’s difficult to know where to start with this….

He put the chuckle brothers on the spot and they bricked it