Going to the Dentist

I don’t remember any real discomfort or adjustment phase when I had mine out other than that I was advised to rinse my mouth regularly with warm salty water for a week or two afterwards, which was fairly gross. One of the big benefits has been that flossing in that area is now a doddle.

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Why did she need those done?

Go to the dentist ffs lads. Twice a year.

Pal of mines wife had very early stage tongue cancer picked up by dentist on a routine visit. Because it was early she was fine with a minimal op


Currently going to 5 (five) different dentists :astonished:

One for each tooth ?

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I’m not from Tipp, kid!


Shit dentist as a kid. Got crowns done in her early twenties and they’ve served their time.

Thought you’d have heard of a wisdom tooth. Florent Malouda was a changed man back in the late 00’s when he had his wisdom tooth pulled. Transformed his Chelsea career for a while.

Root canal repaired today. Only four more dentists to go :muscle:

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Finally got this pulled this morning. I’m a new man after it.

I had thought that it would be like going to a butcher but it was actually a relatively pain/stress free experience.


I searched dentist and that image popped up. I sat in that very seat last week.
It was my first time there.

I had a badly chipped old tooth. On it’s last legs but there’s no pain so they just keep refilling it when another bit chips off. So she did the job but when I got home and tried to floss I realised she had welded the chipped tooth to the one beside it and I couldn’t get the floss in.

So I’m wondering if she did that on purpose (she never said, I couldn’t understand her anyway) as I’ve seen people with two front teeth welded together. So google tells me that ‘tooth bonding’ takes two hours and is a specialist process. So she hardly did that.

I don’t want to go back and seem like a fool when she tells me she did it on purpose. But I can’t see it as a genuine recommended procedure online.

Any ideas TFK?

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Go back and ask her, it’ll cost you nothing. It’s a legitimate question to ask. We’ll always think you’re a bit of a jinit in any case :wink:

Had the start of two implants put in a few weeks back. Bone grafting too. Fuck me was it sore! Have the stitches taken out last week and it’s all going well so far. Should have the full implants in by September. Should have done it years ago. Expensive thing to do.


Composite bonding ?

Definitely nothing as fancy as that took place.

I posted about my experience with this process before. The bone grafting is fucking horrendous.

You keep telling yourself it’ll all be worth it, but the pain… :nauseated_face:

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