Good Fillums

Do you realise how hard it is to carve out a niche around here?

:joy: you’ve got my vote.

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Watched Requiem for a dream the other night…recorded it from Film 4…great film…v tough watch at times though.

Was made circa 2000 so everyone has probably seen it…worth a mention though.

I had never heard of it…v well done.

I wouldn’t mind, but that was my niche.

I watched Hitchcock’s The Man Who Knew To Much last night with the brilliant James Stewart and the I’d say in her day Doris Day. Cracking film.

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Have you seem the movie he made before that? “Pi”

terrible fucking ending though

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Possibly, but I think it tied into the story well enough. Probably tacked on a little, but all in all I was willing to go along with it.

The cast are brilliant, hard to pick anyone out, but Reynor was excellent.

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Suicide Squad proves Will Smith makes shit movies watchable.

[quote=“Turenne, post:3611, topic:3299, full:true”]
Suicide Squad proves Will Smith makes shit movies


Continuing our Hitchcock season chez Fitzy, we watched Psycho with 13 year old Fitzy Jnr at the weekend. He was glued to it, thought it was brilliant, which was most pleasing. I hadn’t seen it in years, christ it’s a good film. We then watched Rear Window, Stewart again with the quite stunning Grace Kelly. I’ve been thinking about her a lot since.


:smirk: Fitzy, you old dog.

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Is fitzy Jnr what he calls his cock?

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Well unless he had a cock transplant 13 years ago (ref. “13 year old Fitzy Jnr”), I reckon it’s his kid.

Cock transplant it is so

The nice guys was surprisingly excellent. I would recommend it to all forumites.


Why surprising? Shane Black films are generally excellent.

True I had no idea he was involved in it though until after watching it. All I knew was that it was a comedy with Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling set in the seventies.

And @myboyblue sent me home with my tae in a mug for leaving out the last boyscout.

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Head or gut?