Graeme Souness

Celtic never had such a policy or bigoted fans


Because it is political correctness gone batshit crazy, mate.

It’s screeching for the sake of it.

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I’ve always thought Aisling Thompson should’ve been accomodated in the Cork midfield/half forward line


That’s terrific for Glasgow Celtic. Maybe take it over to one of the many Glasgow Celtic specific dedicated threads.

Sure it’s youse headbangers who are trying to shut down free speech.

Souness is being quite correctly called out for acting the cunt.

People are free to say what they want.

They aren’t free to say what they want unchallenged.

The headbangers say they should be. Life doesn’t and shouldn’t work like that.

Life isn’t the safe space youse lot want it to be.

It’s time for youse lot to toughen up, or man up, because yis sure aren’t like men, but like children.

Ah yeah in a few years time football, ladies football hurling and camogie will all merge. Perfect balance too for each team. 5 men ,5 women and 5 trannies



She’s been accommodated in the Limerick midfield alright.


FOTF thinks thats the way forward alright. Wonder how it would work in practice. :thinking:

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Imagine a rampaging Kyle Hayes run from wingback, leaving 4 woman and 3 trannies in his wake


That has actually annoyed me how thick that woman must be to come out with something like that


My oul’ fella was a great man for bringing a tranny to a match.


And giving a quick dart to another couple at half time

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Divide the pitch, women in the forwards, men in the backs. Men can’t go beyond the half way line.

Sure twould be no bother to the likes of Hego anyway

Wow, wow, hold on now,

Aren’t you a massive advocate for the “player of the match” schtick??

She needs to feel the physical reality of being harassed by the Limerick half forward line

Its a case of tell me you know nothing about sport without telling me you know nothing about sport. Has she heard of Gearoid Hegarty I wonder.

That was pretty much Dr. Eamon O’Sullivan’s blueprint for how Gaelic football should be played. Each player should have a zone from which they and their direct opponent should not move out of.

So I think your idea would be popular with the traditionalists.

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What lind of harassment are we talking about?

What does that have to do with it? You’ve somehow completely missed the point as per usual