The Marxist agitators on the forum were disingenuous
The awkward squad found out again
The same lads who are the biggest users of will tell you people are being lied to by politicians while being blind to the lies they swallow.
Haaretz in September 2024 after Tucker Carlson fawningly interviewed Nazi sympathiser Darryl “Martyrmade” Cooper:
@Cheasty on Darryl Cooper and Tucker Carlson in March 2022:
Watching the entire nation turn on Matt Doherty
I am on fucking fire
Chocolatemice called Mary Lou out as pure useless about 5 years ago and said she’d ruin the party
In the wake of the last locals he said she had an opportunity to set the party’s stall out proper and right the ship by casting aside the nutbags on the right - if she didn’t they’d be done.
As always- he’s light years ahead of the guys waiting for Twitter to inform their thinking
Its a pity he walked away from the Party and didnt try fix it it from within.
But wherever he is, will I commend him on his win?
Yes I will.
There were a few lads who used to post here a few years back… @glasagusban and @the_man_himself …who maintained she was a great party leader. Not sure what happened those guys but lapsed poster Thomas Brady knew.
I’m on a fucking roll.
united fans believe this Jim fella is gonna save the club. I wouldnt be so sure, but if he does, this will be the biggest domino he has to knock over to do so
In fairness to Mary, she did well here and threw a jab at RTE
Barry Glendenning calling Ferguson banquo on todays pod
@mac calling Paul Nichols a basket case with no responsibility
Nichols is a ticking time bomb
Who’s Paul Nichols? Actually who’s @Mac
Nothing will beat this folks