Greatest Ever Irish Person

Dunph should be on that list.

Who are you alluding to, braz?

O’Connell. A giant of a man against the pygmies that are Bono, Hume and Robinson (who I assume is in as a bit of tokenism).

I’m just amazed by how wound up and enraged people have gotten about Sheikh Bo and tipptop’s controversial views. Calm down to fuck lads.

considering the two boys are complete wummers i am disappointed lads even bothered replying…

That was kind of my point puke…

Easy say that now gola

On reflection, I may have been a bit harsh calling Hume a pygmy earlier. He consistently showed that non-violence was a popular alternative for the Catholic population in the North throughout the Troubles, and had British Government/Army policies not been so braindead in the early 70s, he could have been pivotal in a (relatively) peaceful transformation of the plight of the minority population there at the time. He wouldn’t make my top five though.

I would define greatness in this context as changing the lives of people or the course of events for the better through your endeavours. I’d suppose the thing about this is that people will have different definitions of greatness. I’d have gone with:

Yeats (how you could choose Bono over him if you’re going for one cultural entry is beyond me)
Arthur Wellesley (The Duke of Wellington)

The last choice would obviously be a bit controversial, but you can’t really deny his achievments, and in the long run I’m fairly sure that putting a stop to Napolean was for the better. He was also the Prime Minister that granted Catholic Emancipation, not without controversy at the time. More importantly in the context of a TV show, it could throw up a genuinely interesting debate about the nature of Irishness, and whether the fact that his achievments were in the name of the Crown should disqualify him.

Lock the thread

Constantly found out against Southern Hemisphere opposition. Not a chance I’d have him there.

Decent point on the Duke of Wellington and the nature of Irishness. Would actually be a good debate. I’d say Sheikh Bo is raging he didn’t think of it though. :smiley:

What an utterly shit list of ‘greatest ever Irish persons’. Mary Robinson for the love and honour of fuck, a reasonable president, excelling in a role which has no power, whoop di doo. I’d always thought that the voting on the likes of You’re a Star was lowest common denominator stuff but this vote really follows through on the notion that the average Irish person who votes on these shows are as thick as pig shit.

Brian Boru is a shocking ommision

What’s that? The retard convention?

Collins for definite. Getting the British to bankroll Northern Ireland was superb. The guerilla war fought brought the Brits to the negotiating table where they subsequently made bits of him but I’m willing to forgive that. He was murdered long before he could be accused of handing power over to the Catholic church.

Connolly is an interesting one. I doubt he even thought of himself as Irish. I’m probably due a history lesson here but what was his role in the 1913 lockout. If you were giving credit out surely you would give Larkin the majority. His suicide run in 1916 may have set the heather blazing but what did he do that McDiarmaid, Clarke et al didnt?

Robinson’s status has been greatly overplayed because of her gender. Gerry Adams would be a controversial insertion but united the republican movement pretty much away from guns.

Cant argue with Bono’s success though but why him and not Adam Clayton or whatever.

surely michael davitt should be there. the irish cesar chavez

sean lemass was a man of vision too. tk whittaker

I’m sure Wellesley would be honoured to be considered such an esteemed Irish man. :lol:

Wellesley once described being born in Ireland as “Just because I was born in a stable it doesn’t make me a horse”

Deary me. I’d say Colllins would be spinning in his grave with that sort of comment. Partition has been absolutely disastrous for this island. As if that was his aim in the first place.

I think you’re right there… you’re due a history lesson.

Connolly put his birthplace down as Ireland in the census (falsely) and considered himself Irish. He died for the country for fuck’s sake. He has a number of quotes on the subject. You should read up on him.

Good shouts on Davitt and Adams. I think history will be kind to Adams.

You can’t just go around pretendig to be from another country though. :unsure:
