Have you ever soiled yourself as an adult?

I know I have anyway.

I hope your mrs doesnt write your name on the tag in your jocks


If she didnā€™t use permanent marker then he might be okay.

The father in law wonā€™t be happy when he checks the cistern in the downstairs Jacks.

Who in their right mind would go examining soiled pants from a pub jacks looking for a name? Youā€™ve gone full Cark deviant you sick cunt.


I witnessed a less than subtle shart-attack in a licensed premises back in the day. The victim was an elderly gent whom ā€œthe dirnk didnā€™t suitā€. He would begin mumbling to himself towards the end of his 3rd pint and from the 5th on it was a fully blown animated conversation involving his long passed mother and a woman who we presumed to be an ex-lover called Mary.

This particular time he took leave from the discussion to make the long walk down to the jacks at the far end of the pub. He stopped at the pool table which was close to the jacks but not close enough. He paused for a minute, turned and went back to his seat. Undeterred by soggy and heavy trousers he continued to finish his pint and conversation until the barman realised what the smell was and ejected the gent, his mother and Mary.


He could have meant legging it out of the jacks.

Am I in a minority to have never pissed myself, pissed the bed or shit myself while drunk?

You havenā€™t lived.

Never did it myself either. No matter how plastered I was, I always managed to get to the jacks or a ditch. I canā€™t get folk who have done who never saw it as a big deal. Surely pissing or shitting yourself while drunk is embarrassing enough to make you want to question how much you drink and your tolerance to booze?
Iā€™ve been in loads of situations where, but by the grace of God there was a jacks and I was able to let fly, or else I would have crapped myself. Almost shat myself the other day in an airport. Not a moment too soon did I get to the toilet seat. Not sure since I had the gallbladder out if Iā€™m able for fatty foods anymore.
I rarely drink booze these days, but remember a few pints would run through meā€¦

Were they one of your better pairs of jocks? Night out would suggest likely from the A grade of inventory. Considering heading back with a plastic bag? Likely well washed by now, no one none the wiser.

A good pair of jocks with just right degree of fondle about them are hard found and risk of ire heightens when having to replace with new.

they were a noble pair of jocks and Iā€™m sad to lose them.


RIP Estebanā€™s cacked jocks.

They served well, final effort an act of selflessness and taking a shit bullet in your stead.

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He was called. He served. He is counted.

Shat on and drowned. Horrific ending.

A(n) horrific end to what was, presumably, a fairly horrible life.

Jocks are the real heroes of our lives

Feels great without for a bit. A morning spent feeling freer than normal and getting away with something others have no idea of.

Then the chaffing quickly reminds just how solid a player your cacks are in maintaining a relatively painfree afternoon.

What you tell your drinking partners

Underrated post

I just said Iā€™m fucking off there lads. Theyā€™re the lads, why would I need to explain to them why I was fucking off