HBV - A Poll to decide if the forum wants him back (non binding)

Hate? I’m here to help Sidney. When you’re ready.

How come the Nogra boys excluded you from the coup?

Who are the nogra boys?

Worst attempt at a coup since Turkey last July.

Turkey is an apt name for it.

An unbelievable clamping for the Wexican and his merry band of knob polishers.


Deary me. The RRWs really are reeling.

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The hypocrite-in-chief steams back in with more hypocrisy. :smile:

And it flies over his head like an Airbus A380 at 40,000 feet, as always.

Where’s @KinvarasPassion I thought he was supposed to be back by now

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Right so…

@anon7035031 @Ambrose_McNulty & @ironmoth weren’t missed really.

Where the fuck is @KinvarasPassion? :worried: The internet isn’t the same.


A break does wonders Harry. Give it a shot, maybe you might return with something to say.

If you say so.

From a quick scan through the site, you seem to be talking much the same shite as usual.

Ah now I wouldn’t have your level of expertise in the shite arena.



I’m sure he misses you Har.

It’s nearly at the stage where a phone call will have to be made.

Maybe a gentle text first. You don’t want to spook him.

You’ve arse cleaning on the brain. Will the HSE not give you home help for a few days?

Well harry, sell many slurry tanks today? Hope you met your targets.


Time for another sabbatical?

The Internet like life is serious business. Keep it up Amby.