Help please IT/computer lads

Your best option here flatty is to hand her the black Amex and send her into currys

Can I piggyback on this.

I have a MacBook and a dell monitor to use as a second screen. I connected it with the usb c vga adaptor. It only lets me use one screen at a time - I have unchecked the displays have separate spaces box in mission control It does not work to “expand my desktop”

Any ideas

I also use it to connect to remote PC using Cisco anyconnect and Microsoft Remote Desktop and same problem there my second screen does not work - it’s either laptop or dell monitor but both both

Any ideas

Correct,but maybe the kids will want to game?

If you really, really want to ignore common sense and really want an Apple desktop then @anon78624367’s Mac Mini is probably the best shout. You’ll need a screen seperately, is it a flat screen monitor hooked up to the current desktop or it some auld bulky CRT yoke out of a museum?

IT remote support sorted this for me. Took 20 minutes so I am not stupid

A cheap laptop for Football Manager 2020 and probably nothing else…any suggestions?

How much you wanna spend?

The Mac mini is a good shout @anon78624367 but you’ll still need to buy a monitor, keyboard, mouse. At least with an iMac, it’s an all-in-one job for the monitor and hard drive.

To reiterate what others said, you don’t need a Mac unless you intend on doing some mid-level audio or visual projects. My Apple laptop is still going strong after ten years (I burned through a PC one before that in about three) and my office computer is a c.8 year old 28" iMac and that’s going strong, so for all the talk of aesthetics, they’re durable enough fuckers that don’t tend to get bothered by viruses etc.

Go the whole hog here @flattythehurdler and get one of the 27inch iMacs if that’s what herself wants.

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On the low side. No real interest in anything fancy

I was working off the assumption he already had a mouse keyboard and monitor etc, but knowing apple they probably have proprietary connections for all three the absolute thieving cunts


You’d probably need something like the white adaptor in pic below

If he has a hdmi connector from his monitor he should be golden.

I’m guessing he doesn’t if he’s on an auld machine that runs XP

Most monitors have VGA and HDMI. Fuck it. I’m sticking with the mini mac.

Although a full sized mac would probably make her happier, isnt that right @Mac

I’m in agreement with the iMac here. No base. No cables. Just plug it in with one wire and no mess. Wireless keyboard and mouse. Tidy job for the kitchen.


Here’s a good spec, cheap-ish imac

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Good price that

Tldr @flattythehurdler can you pls check your XP monitor for VGA or HDMI and your other peripherals for USB.