Here Kev mate

A great day for Kev.unbelievable scenes Jeff. :pint:

:rolleyes: No show from the Cork prick and more importantly no show from his gimped girlfriend. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

90 minutes in that Park today but not a complete waste of time as i put in two good 5k runs and did a bit of core workwhile waiting at the pond.

Was down at the NCR gate at about 11.50, nobody there but two fat birds in cycling shorts warming up for a run in the rain.

Kevin now retires from the board although i was hoping to batter his cabbage head in in the process but you canā€™t have evrything in life and that my friends is the lesson we learn from this whole saga.

:rolleyes: Huckleberry mate you are in over your head here and appear to the biggest fucking retard posting here based on the above post.

Now run along and failing that fuck off and die.

Remind me again who you two retards are?

Weā€™ll be doing nothing of the sort. The Prawn won.


congrats DBP

i say the few idiots that have doubted you are feeling pretty sheepish now





+1 :smiley:

Well done the Prawn. :clap: :clap:

Never doubted you Prawn - well done mate. :clap:

Iā€™ll miss Kevinā€™s diet and fitness musings on here.

Bandage or NCC, can one of you set up a thread please on what people will miss about Kevā€¦

I pay your wages.

Anyway to sum it up, Prawn came on to abuse Kev, Kev called his bluff and named a time and a place to batter the prawn, the prawn got scared and tried to change the meeting place in pure school girl fashion. If he really did want to face up to Kev he would have gone to the first named place, he didnā€™t show up therefore he lost and Kev reigns supreme.

Bittersweet day for Kev, Cork AI Champions but personally humilitated by DBP. :frowning:



:clap: :rolleyes: :angry:

What a bizarre post there from Padjoā€¦

Padjo is becoming increasingly odd by the week



He mentioned earlier in the week he was going to Croke Park today. Heā€™s probably blitzed and after popping a few pills too.

Ah heā€™s stoned off his tits





So, nothing happened then?

Quelle fucking suprise.

Close this thread and lets never speak of this bullshit again.

Wimping out of a fight at the designated spot to hang around a pond in the Phoenix Park on his own for 90 minutes on a Sunday morning. Emmett Stagg-esque behaviour from the Prawn - :o