Here Kev mate

I can’t believe you got 4 pints out of me Sid, and i missed the first 5 minutes of the Minor game. You owe me big style.

Go away you fucking flamer… Looking to meet guys off the internet? get out of here and onto gaydar you fucking fruit.

[quote=“Bean, post: 513769”]
Go away you fucking flamer… Looking to meet guys off the internet? get out of here and onto gaydar you fucking fruit.
[/quote]Kindly fuck back off to where you have been hiding you no mark cunt.

Saw these lads live in Whelans last night. Mad yokes.
Limerick people are weird.

looks like both paticipants were all talk and no action. A pair of windy cunts and no doubt.

fair play to the carkies for winning the bogball anyways. good luck to ye boys.

Were they any good?? Is their act still Limerick orientated or are they branching out?.. It will have to be the latter if they wanna get anywhere.

But yes, weird is about right. You’d have to be to live here.

Branching out a bit alright but still taking the piss outta Limerick skangers pretty much.

RoisĂ­Ă­Ă­Ă­Ă­Ă­Ă­Ă­Ă­n, I wanna fight yer father.

This is a classic


“Well it looks like a traditional wasp except its face is more like a hat.”
“It’s absolutely deadly at hiding.”
“I’m an expert beekeeper by the name of Liam Flag.”


Sorry about the delay in sticking this up, my memory card was acting the bollix

Kev would want to get the girls to keep hollowing out the bread rolls.

Who is in the picture there? :lol:

Kev, Sunday morning.

As I mentioned Sunday I was surprised at how portly he was.

Ah this explains a lot.

I take my scepticism back, proof positive that caoimhaoin obviously showed up for this fight.

Undeniable proof that Kev did indeed show for the fight.

Why was Kev wearing ladies’ clothes?

It was a Cork poncho style thing.

how do you know Kev isnt a lady?

Sterling work Runty. I was a bit surprised at Kev’s white trousers, but he assured me in the pub that they were purely to bring as much red and white Cork colour as possible to Croke Park. That’s an explanation that I was happy to accept. Sure I always do the same with the Dublin colours by wearing a pair of dark blue jeans.

That photo reminds me how inclement Sunday morning was weatherwise in Dublin. The rain may have upset the memory card on Runty’s camera a bit, but thankfully the damage was only very minor.