Holiday destinations for the accompanied traveller

It was with a heavy harp that Pat selected the strongest man in the village to carry the instrument up the mountain.

doubtless she’ll harp on about it

Another string to her bow at least.

Couldn’t give a fiddler’s fuck tbh

Young woman achieves something, like clockwork along comes art with a snide comment.


Would you ever fuck you insidious cunt. Theres plenty of examples on here of your hypocrisy, you vaccuous white knight wanker.

Im an equal opportunities hater and theres plenty more examples of me having snide comments on make achievements


Usually against younger women.

Imagine the poor cunt who had to carry her harp up for her


Nought to level 5 rattled in jig time there for @artfoley


Wasn’t there a Waterford teacher running up some mountain with a fridge on his back for charity a few years ago ?

In his element I’d say

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Just googled it,t’was a washing machine and from Waterford to Belfast. You’d have more Comfort with the washing machine but still quite a spin .

That puts a different spin on things

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Do a bit of research and the truth will come out in the wash.

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Would Annecy be a good weekend destination or has anybody ever been? I see it’s an hour’s bus journey from Geneva and Aer Lingus flights to there seem reasonable enough at the moment.

annecey is one of the mot beautiful and scenic places ive been in europe. dont think theres much clubbing there but if youd like to amble around and take in the alps and the lakes and some french food as well itd be a great place to go.


Misread there, thought he’d said stag destination

Lovely spot. Grenoble is relatively nearby and also a nide spot. both are student towns but relatively quiet

Jeez, Brittany is absolutely glorious at the moment, since we got here on Sunday it’s been sunny every day but we haven’t had 30 degrees yet, the tent is a great success, loads of room in comparison to the caravan and no mess in at bed time, we’re right next to the table tennis and basketball court which is a bonus cause the park is very spread out, massive pool with 3 big slides and 250m to the beach which is gorgeous,
Trail all along the cliffs which is suspect runs through the entire coast of Brittany and fire me for my morning jogs, restaurants and bakerys/traiteurs within walking distance
Heading for Normandy tomorrow for another week
This is us


On our way back from FarĂł.Had a week in Armacao de Pera, about 40 mins along the coast from FarĂł. First time in Portugal. Was 40 degrees the first 2 days, unbearable but low 30s the rest of it. Kids are teenagers so more interested in getting a tan now and just loafing about.