Holiday destinations for the accompanied traveller

Have a look at Bob W for London trip accommodation

That looks good Dan, should asked you a month ago when we were booking

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Yeah not a million miles from the place you posted. There is a sandaya right next to it. Massive network of cycle paths from the front of camp down to loads of local towns and beaches. V few Irish there which was grand. Best campsite we have been at by a distance

We had one week in a yelloh and one in a sandaya last summer
Top class in fairness


I stayed in one of these near Hyde Park in October when travelling for work. Nice idea but basic stuff like TV and Wifi didnā€™t work. Checked in at 7pm so noone around to try and fix it. Wifi was through a dongle plugged into wall and TV needed working wifi to work. Ran a hotspot off my phone which was grand for work stuff but TV still wouldnā€™t work.

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Where did ye go?

It was around Clohars in Brittany and Granville in Normandy
We were pure haunted with the weather, got the best two weeks of the summer

Itā€™s a lovely area, wouldā€™ve been my preference to go west coast again this year but we went with the med instead

Ye were blessed, Iā€™m always concerned about booking up there in case the weather is shite, even though the campsites look great and are better value

Havenā€™t stayed in one but was suggested to me. That sounds a bit lemonade stand stuff.

The price of hotels in London is hilariously high.

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Youā€™d get a good Air BnB up Holloway Road for 100 pounds a night.

Yeah it was basic. The sheets on the bed were a bit stained too and you could see dust in places that hadnā€™t been cleaned in a while. At the risk of sounding like Goldilocks though thereā€™s a lot of good ideas to it. Access is all done through an app / mobile site and thereā€™s no in-person check-in.

Rooms kitted out with some nice stuff and it had a novelty Atari console that you could play early 1990s games on. Twas only when Iā€™d checked out though that I realised if I lost my phone or if it broke then I was completely goosed as it was my only way of accessing the room.

London hotels are extortionate for what you get. Little shoe boxes charging close to 400 notes a night if not higher. Stayed in the Point A in Shoreditch back in late '22 for a London NFL game. 2 of us on the beer for the weekend. Double room with 2 single beds, a bathroom you nearly had to reverse out of to change direction as you couldnā€™t turn in it. Both beds almost against walls on either side of the room and the bare minimum space between them to throw cases / bags / clothes. Nice and modern but it was barely big enough to be a single room in any other city!

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Got a grand roomy twin room in Citadines beside Barbican for Ā£200 on a Saturday night in early October. Handy for everywhere.

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Looks unreal never thought of going down thereā€¦I have always driven so too far I spose

Went to Sandaya La DragonniĆØre last year which is just outside BĆ©ziers. I didnā€™t think I would enjoy a campsite holiday at all but thoroughly enjoyed it. We flew into Carcassonne and rented a car but I believe you can now fly to BĆ©ziers airport (which is literally across the road from the campsite) from Shannon. Rental car allowed for a few trips around the HĆ©rault region. A place I knew nothing about beforehand but plenty to see.


Weā€™ve had this spot recommended to us by a travel agent with the flight from Shannon to Beziers.

Youā€™d be giving it the thumbs up?

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I had a burger from a little shack on the side of the bridge on the new town side, it must have been more than a decade ago. I still think about it.

Croatia is unreal. I hear itā€™s destroyed with tourists these days.

Montenegro is the place to go now Iā€™m told

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Gorgeous little place. Very cheap compared to Split and Dubrovnik too. That sea organ is gas

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Itā€™s an odd enough place. The old town on the island is a museum really.

You got mugged off mate

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