Holiday destinations for the accompanied traveller

Can you rephrase that in a question we might be able to answer

That bolt app is unraleable.

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Nerja lads… Hard bate


Go off season or low season. Prices shoot up during school holidays… Is your eldest in school yet? If not book a monday to a friday. Fuckall for the very young to do really but youll have kept up with the neighbours. Hit the pool every day in there. And get the missus do mind rhe kids while you go down the rapids a shit load. Best thing there.

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Bookings in centre parcs
… activities, restaurants and whatever ever else. We’re Going in May for Mrs Kyle’s 40th but apparently you’ve to book everything well in advance which just isn’t how i usually roll.

Bring plenty of grub to cook as restaurants are bang average there and charged a premium for it.

Bring bikes if you can. Will need to rent otherwise.

Midgey repellant

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Going for a wedding this year. Never been

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Your kids are young aren’t they. They won’t need many activities. Pick one or two and leave it at that.

The pool is class. Just bring them there and the playground everyday. No extra for that.

Bring as much shopping as you can. Shop is a rob naturally. There’s a SuperValu in the town, but they are as bad.

You’d get away without a bike in one of the houses close to the centre. You wouldn’t if you are out a bit.

Ye will enjoy it. The whole thing is set up to milk you dry. But it is a very good setup tbf to them

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Going myself for the first time in April.

Wouldn’t be surprised if Center Parcs Ltd are taking a few quid off the credit card just for having this conversation.


Expect to be queuing in the car if you arrive around 2pm-4pm.
Arrive earlier and go to the pool but you cant check in to your lodge (or park at lodge) till 4pm.
Tis good there but pricey. As above

What kind of shit Center Parcs / Centerparcs advice are people giving here? Lads recommending bringing a weekly shop with you in the boot because a 2L of milk is 15c dearer in the shop onsite than Lidl. Good Lord above, don’t do that. Use the shop.

The restaurants are grand too. Book a couple of them - the Indian one is the best but it doesn’t have a play area. The other places have little indoor play areas where the kids can run amok while you’re waiting for or digesting food. Maybe cook some pasta in the chalet on another night.

You don’t need too many activities but worth booking them on the date they become available to book as popular stuff sells out. The pool only opens at 10am daily so we’ve booked jet skis at 9.15am/9.30am a couple of times, you’re then in the pool immediately after your activity & just as it’s opening up to others.

Plenty of arts & crafts type activities to choose from for younger kids & stuff like cookie decorating, chocolate making etc. Handy to have something indoor like this booked in case it’s pissing rain. You could book an outdoor activity or two also such as the little cars or whatever.


Some sort of authority on these things, you are?

He asked for advice, people contributed. Calm yourself

This guy fucks.

If you’re tormented about going to the restaurant in Centre Parcs lads you’re haunting yourself. If you want to cook, go to a campsite. Definitely book the activities when they come up or you’ll be staring at 4 walls while you wait for your fucking pasta to cook.

The Indian is savage.

Yes, I am an authority.

I wish I could stay calm in these situations. How I wish I could.

But I fucking can’t.


It only takes one meal out in the onsite restaurant to ruin your life forever.
Bring as much sandwiches as ye can carry


The Craft Beer and wine selection in the shop isn’t great @Kyle so bring your own drink and maybe your own stuff to make Breakfast for the kids. Aside from that they’ve everything you need there and you’ll pay a premium for it but its easier than loading 40 shopping bags into the car. Try booking a cabin within a short walk to the swimming pool if you can

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I believe we have a bbq so we’ll fire that up wan night. We’ll Ate out 2 nights and roll with it the other night.

This booking and queues for everything sounds like fucking hell. I hate people.


It’s ok mate. People hate you too.

That’s the look I’m going for.

I’m always reminded of those “WHATEVER you do, DONT change money in the airport” types in these posts

Saving two euro to spend the first night of their holiday traipsing around searching for the least dodgy looking money changer down a back alley to give them a 0.01% better rate