Holiday destinations for the accompanied traveller

Lived there for a while. The buffalo wings in the Globe bookstore are worth the trip to the country alone.

This place has excellent czech fare at good prices.

More often than not, a waiter will add something you didn’t order to your bill. Check it. We were advised to only use AAA cabs. The one time we didn’t, my mate was robbed at gunpoint by the driver.

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Planning a 5 day trip to Tuscany in early June. No kids. Was thinking fly to Pisa do a night there and then train to Siena and Florence and two nights in each. Fly back from Florence

Would I be better to drive or try and find some smaller towns in area and stay there instead. Any wine tasting tours you’ve done ?

Whats the current parking situation at Dublin airport? Parking for 11 nights in May.

€50 here versus 116 in blue long term. What are the pros and cons?

I’m flying at fairly handy times. Out at 1145am back at 1830.

Florence is sensational

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Train all the way. Fuck the stress of driving. Sip away and hop trains which are easy to use and will get you wherever. Taxis cheap where needed too


They’ve a savage train system in Italy.

Nothing beats the open road when discovering a country. Some lads of course arent confident enough drivers, but those of us driving tractors on a road since were we 10 wouldnt have such worries.

Florence is beautiful, only thing don’t be there when it’s 40 degrees.


That’s the Romans for you. They left us a massive rail network too and we ripped it all up to build bike paths.


The Irish will be still plundering about the place in petrol and diesel cars while the rest of the world will be using trains and electric cars.

Did this back in 2011. Flew to Pisa. Stayed a night. Rented a Fiat 500 and drove to some part of rural Tuscany. Where we were you couldn’t get via train.

Stayed in a lovely place - a kind of villa type thing with a lovely poolside restaurant. Recognised the nearby town years later in an episode of Succession. Drove to Siena, but took the train to Florence (parking up at the train station). They were two day trips.


Anyone any experience of this place

Was there a discussion somewhere on parking options at Dublin airport recently

Never used them and their prices seem a bit too good to be true. Especially that the meet and greet is the same price as parking 5 miles away from the airport and shuttling. No phone number on the website either which would be a red flag to me

Lads, could i get a decent pub for a bit of grub in killarney please? And also a decent pub for a few oul pints for some oul lads tomorrow (bunch of mid 40s)

As you looked after me for Bella italia I’ll return the favour.
Kitty O’Sheas for grub, JM Reidys for pints

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Ta. And one with a decent beer garden in case we finish early?

The Speakeasy or whatever it’s called directly across from Paddy Power is a lovely daytime drinking pub


Reidys is a great pub

Wracking my brains though I couldn’t name one pub in Killarney with a beer garden

Scott’s hotel is on a side street and they have a big outdoor drinking area on the street is the closest I could name


Ta lads

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We go again