Holiday destinations for the accompanied traveller

Happy birthday pal.

PS: Fuck Limerick.

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Try out the new steakhouse that used to be Bar 67 and report back

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Great spot

Wayneā€™s steakhouse, passed it earlier, will give it a twist

Think its still run by the same crowd so thereā€™ll likely still be a good crowd of barstool republicans in there

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Thereā€™s nothing in way of outdoor exercise here other than pulling around the kids in a trailer. The cycling is a bit misleading also, thereā€™s no real trails, itā€™s just the roads between places. There isnā€™t even daycent branches on the trees they have to do a few pull-ups as theyā€™re all conifers.

Fuck you Mac


@backinatracksuit Any advice for a gentleman travelling to Duinrell in the near future? I believe you have been.

Not much advice to be honest, we were there in a heatwave which was awesome
The indoor slides are absolutely brilliant but your time in there is quite limited, I think itā€™s three hour sessions but you canā€™t go every day.
Good rollercoasters etc to suit older kids
The nearby town is lovely, big Jumbo supermarket and loads of good restaurants, thereā€™s a great market in the field opposite the park but I canā€™t remember what day(s) itā€™s on

Just relax, itā€™s a good spot

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View from Brac Island back across to Split and the Croatian mainland. Lovely spot. Bit cooler today, just the 30 degrees with a bit of a breeze.


Lads. Anyone done the Irish Ferries spin from Dublin to Cherbourg?

Weā€™re heading out this Friday. Ferry is scheduled to depart at 4. Any feedback on when they actually start boarding and when to aim to get there? Website says no later than 60 mins but not sure whatā€™s a good target

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Sure arrive early and show them the sights and sounds of Sheriff St, North Wall and where the white water rafting could have been set up


Iā€™ve done it multiple times. No science to the boarding that I could ever decipher. I usually get there ninety minutes before the off (but thatā€™s just me, Iā€™d be factoring in disaster scenarios in case Iā€™d miss the sailing). Once you check in you drive in to a large holding pen and you wait til they give the nod to board. You can access the terminal building while you wait which has minimal facilities but crucially has toilets. Donā€™t overdo the wait in the terminal as you donā€™t want to be the cunt whose lane was delayed boarding because you and your kids were in the jacks. Fellas would be pointing at you and growling the whole way through the sailing.
Be handy to have something to amuse the children while you wait.

Make sure to have your stuff for one night in a small bag or as few small bags as you can carry. Getting from the car to the cabin decks and back (especially with children and all their accoutrements) is about the only difficult part of the crossing and you will want to be carrying as little luggage as possible.

The grub on the boat is edible if expensive and the bars are grand. Sit up in the bar and sup a pint and let your children run riot like everybody else does. Thereā€™s a ā€œquiet roomā€ for cranky fuckers like me where we can go and read a book in peace, so you wonā€™t be putting in or out on the likes of me.


Enjoy the trip. Thatā€™s what we done for our summer holidays.

Invariably Cherbourg meant a lot more driving on the far side than roscoff.

Depends where you are going. Roscoff is handier for Brittany obviously but Cherbourg is better for Normandy and northern and eastern France. Roscoff is a much nicer spot than Cherbourg and is a lovely place to put in a few hours before a sailing.

On the other hand it sails to Cork.

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How long does the ferry take?

18 hours or so max

We always went to Brittany anyway.

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18 hours or so. You leave at 4, and get in around 11 or 12 the next day, but you could be another hour or so getting off the boat and out of the port.

The last car on is the first
Car off too as we found out one year :sweat_smile:

That seems like a bit of an ordeal. I saw a few Irish regs on site last week in the south of France. Thatā€™s some trek. 18 hours on a boat and then another full day driving across the country.