Holiday destinations for the accompanied traveller

Options B/C/D look the job :ok_hand: . Currently I’m on the wagon with both drink and golf so I’ll give the bookends a miss.

Got an unintended tour of Cavan thanks to Google Maps traffic avoidance. Five Cross Roads and Ballyjamesduff. Made it to Farnham 3 hours after leaving Dublin :sweat_smile:

FFS :joy::joy::joy:

It’s 90 minutes tops. Mugged off and you’ve only arrived. The hungry hoors are licking their chops at the possibilities this weekend is throwing up.

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I mugged myself off by taking a bad route out of Dublin. On the plus side, we were so late the wife had to downgrade her spa package so we’re financially up :ronnyroar:


Jesus I’d say she’s like a briar. :grimacing:

Hopefully no prickly bits.

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I’ll be paying €200 odd to sleep on the floor :grimacing:


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@batigol what was the airport like today?

Quieter than expected. Queue this morning from the US flights but nothing major. Lot of flights with very few on them

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I’m going into Belfast next Friday morning and renting a car. To drive South. To see my parents after 9 months. I’ll gladly not spend not one pound in the Republic of Ireland bar essentials. Thank you Michael Martin. You cunt of a man.


No :dart: tonight so​:rofl:

Spain is open

Has the airport picked up much @Batigol ? Many more checks in place or still the same?

Still the same. There’s a rumour doing the rounds that the guards power to fine for leaving is gone, but I don’t know if that’s the case.

Place is still very dead. Most shops closed.

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Ryanair look to be starting daily flights to most holiday destinations next week so things might start to pick up again. Are the duty free shops even open?

Duty free is open yeah. Some excellent deals there.

Hoping for a pick up soon, though we’ll be absolutely swamped if they persist with us needing to check PCR results as well as implement the utter farce that is MHQ. Expect queues.

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I’ve a mate arriving from Sweden Thursday. Be sure to rough him up a bit for daring to enter our shores from that lawless hellhole.

That just mean give them a quick look or is there more to it like scanning QR codes or something?