Holiday destinations for the accompanied traveller

Thatā€™s not what I said. I never need to. Anything within Europe an hour before take off is loads of time to be stepping in the door of the airport.

Problem is now everyone is getting the fast pass so youā€™ll still generally queue for 10-15 minutes at peak times

Or you could just arrive last and stroll on after everyone else has boarded.

No mate. This is the security gate. Fasttrack for security.

Youd find yourself at the back of a 40 minute queue with no hope of catching your flight, 10 minute walk to the central area with the terminal screens and anywhere from 10 to 25 minutes to the departure gate, on a good day

I donā€™t think theyā€™d let you fast track security if youā€™re in danger of missing your flight

Iā€™m only messing with you pal.

Weā€™ve a different outlook on it anyway. I find youā€™ve always more than enough time to get through with an hour. Maybe on an early ryanair to London (edit) the experience is different. I swear by being the last on board though, Iā€™ll wait til the whole queue is gone rather than stand in like a pleb for half an hour.

Last time I was in Stansted there was this Spanish chap with a Latin swagger arriving up to the gate for a Ryanair flight just after the gate had closed. First he tried the charm on the steward, then he gave it the volatile temper and finally he was reduced to trying to catch the pilots eye in the distance and making pleading motions with his hands. He eventually fucked off but it was great entertainment while it lasted.


You genuinely run the risk of having your bags put in the hold if there isnā€™t room at that craic. Theyā€™ll charge you for it too on Ryanair.

Poor auld @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy.

Airports definitely donā€™t bring out the best in people.

The central area at Stansted is a fairly depressing view of humanity

They charge you? Iā€™d love to see where in the T&Cā€™s it says they can charge you if you board your flight in time in line with their instructions and they decide to put your bag in the hold. In my experience they always have a space free.

Have you ever flown with Ryanair?

Having worked in the airport, thatā€™s true. People are stressed there for no reason. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m tranquilo about it.

Iā€™ve seen enough lads like you losing their shit over this and despite all the hand wringing the pay and sit down like plebs.

More fool them.

Me too. I get there with plenty of time so I donā€™t have to be rushing and racing about the place, with contingency built in.

Grab a bite, read, talk to a fellow traveller on occasion.

Have you ever flown Ryanair?

I have of course sure I flew ryanair last week.

If youā€™re last on they donā€™t let you on the plane now with carry on.

The hostess will radio out that theyā€™re full and theyā€™ll bag and tag you at the boarding gate.

I used to see this every Monday morning at Cork Airport, the Amsterdam flight would board around 6.10 about 30 minutes before mine and youd always get the lads moaning.

If youā€™re unlucky enough this can happen on the plane in front of everyone else

Just be wide of it

Iā€™ll bear that in mind if Iā€™m ever flying to Amsterdam from cork. Until then Iā€™ll tip away and not stressing myself out.

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A lovely little smarmy prick of a response to a lad only giving a few pointers.