Holiday destinations for the accompanied traveller

Florence is quite compact and if you are not actually going inside the Uffizi and the Duomo you will see everything in a day. If you are going into these the queues in summer are huge (pre Covid) and you’d only want to do one of these a day.

Rome 2-3 days.


What’s the rush?

I really liked Florence. As FOD says, you could in theory see plenty in a day or two. We gave it 3 or 4 days and, aside from museums/galleries, we went into a lot of churches and climbed a lot of bell towers. We did a city cycling tour, some great views from the hills overlooking it. Also did a day trip to Siena, which was a nice little place.


Me and a mate are talking about going to Greece for a week at the end of September / start of October.

We want to see some cultural and historical stuff but have a decent party too.

Where should we go, what should we do, any other advice?

You’re a bit like the chicken who crossed the road, aren’t you?

A tour of Italy takes you three lines, but a day trip into Dublin* took you two A4 pages. :rofl:

*I enjoyed that actually.

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All the Irish brass in Dubai are in Mykonthos now.

This is about all you’ll see in Greece lad


Nana Mouskouri has aged a lot, hasn’t she?

Lived in Athens for a few months quite near the acropolis and quite honestly I’d stay the fuck away from it, dirty smelly and ppl feckin rude, worked out of Piraeus another shit hole full of dodgy taxi men and scammers, islands are :+1:from what I’ve been told,tbf it was years ago maybe Athens improved dramatically ( doubt it)


Most resorts have improved over the years. They had to. There’s too much competition now. Most places now are fairly decent. A few examples would be:

Portugal. Taxis were a rip off. Footpaths a disaster. Flys and cockies everywhere. You wouldn’t get served another drink if you didn’t tip. Full of strip clubs. Ripoff tours.
A few years later it was all cleaned up. Taxis regulated. No tip plates shoved in front of you.

Spain had the smallest toilets in the world, after Paris of course. Rude waiters. Crazy roads, drivers and parking. Fumes everywhere.
It has much improved over the years.

The level in Turkey was so low they could only improve.

Italy nor as expensive now.



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As in holes in the ground like most of Eastern Europe etc until 15 or so years ago
Likewise Turkey etc

I never had to shit in a hole in the ground in Spain.

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Not actually a hole obviously
Just a squat job no sit down

Thinking of heading to Canada once they reopen next month, assuming a little health niggle I’m having clears up.

Alberta and British Colombia are where I’m focused on at the moment

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Lucky boy :+1:bro worked over there and loved it, different perspective

What’s an automatic reception with access using an express check-in code?

Described elsewhere as a digital check-in.

Is it anything to do with sticking your thumb up your hole?

I like your use of the subordinating conjunction adverb, but it’s of little use to me I feel.