Holiday destinations for the accompanied traveller

Heading off to the sun tomorrow, six nights in Alicante :+1:


It’s gonna be a scorcher, we had biblical rain overnight, started while we were out to eat and had to walk home about 1km in it :anguished:
This is the life :grinning:


Enjoy! Looks fab

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Have a ball mate, you’ve earned it. Hope you make some incredible memories with the little ones.

OK that’s it, enjoy the mid term :+1:


Enjoy :+1::+1:

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy Have you seen this fckr? Only been in work for maybe 7 weeks (after 2 months off) and needs a break in the sun.

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Go easy mate, each to their own. Back off.

Just trying to warm the place up a bit.

You’re a good lad. Happy Christmas.

Sure isn’t it grand to be able to do it.
We haven’t done anything like this in years, the kids are older now, they can go off to the pool by themselves, we’re 1 minute from the beach, life is good, the food is great, I love the Mahou beer


Teaching’s a grand and noble profession mate. Enjoy. @glenshane wasn’t fit for it and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy must have had a bad experience of it too.


FYI The Spanish call mahou beer cats piss. Not sure why but maybe it’s because that’s how the Spanish say mee-ow!!

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Did you form this opinion while failing all but metalwork or while tarmacadaming the school driveway?

No mate. I’m just licking his arse.

It’s a lovely warm weather beer, Spanish beers are good in general

There’s a really fancy shop/deli with a small restaurant attached right next to our apartment, it’d remind you of Donnybrook Fair,
They do Spanish omelette which might be the best thing I’ve ever tasted, I have no idea how they can do it so perfectly.
Weather a bit iffy for tomorrow (warm but cloudy) so we’re going to explore Alicante city (we’re on San Juan beach)

Sitting by the pool again now having a beer before we go for dinner

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I have a friend living in Alicante, I’d say they’ll be glad of a bit of rain tbh.
Enjoy your break pal!! Tis the simple things are what’s most important.
Meanwhile it’s like the end of times here back home with the deluge of rain :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

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@Batigol we’re flying at 2 tomorrow from T2 intend to be there around 11 dump the bags and get lunch and a few scoops what’s security like around that time?

Why, are you carrying drugs?

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Hard to beat an ice cold Mahou or San Miguel in the sun :yum: