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No mate.

In a country where you pay nearly 50% tax on anything you earn over 40k and yet you still have to fork out over 1500 euro a month in child care fees for 3 kidsā€¦ Iā€™d suggest the childrenā€™s allowance is badly needed.

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she has said that the government are robbing her and that she doesnt expect anything from them. She is completely self entitled moaner who doesnt realise she has been handed money for years for doing the sum total of fuck and getting criminal convictions for theft.

There are thousands of people out there who get state aid and are thankful for it and go about their business to do as best they can for themselves and their family. She wants more and more without doing a tap herself to try better her own situation.

Itā€™s far from people thinking they are better than her, its her completely fucked up view that she is the one being robbed and she gets nothing when there are a vast majority more who work their bollox off and end up with less and can do nothing about it.

With regards to the housing crisis, they should get her away from media and her bullshit, because she is doing genuine people serious harm the way she is going on.


Youā€™re taking it all up wrong here and digging in like some of the other bleeding hearts here ā€¦ Iā€™m not for denying anyone help/welfare etc. ---- but there has to be fairness across the board ā€” there also has to be some form of responsibility and accountability, something which is now completely lost to a whole score of handout recipients, a culture of entitlement has been instilled in them.

My anger is as much at the system that allows this flourish as it is at anyone or anything else.

A real republic has fairness right across the board - not just in championing the poor. Thatā€™s the kind of republic @chocolatemice is fighting for. Not a champagne socialist one like some horrid commentators made out recently.

Give the little ladies the iphone and let them watch hitthediff til yourself or the missus get home. Shure theyā€™ll be on the toy show singing it in no time.

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I didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t needed, there should be some form of means testing in it though.

Itā€™s a desperately perilous society we have if there are a vast majority of families depending on welfare, even when they are both working.

I saw this earlier and got a right chuckle out of it.

Someone applied to view a house and then got a phone call saying theyā€™d need to pay ā‚¬500 upfront for a viewing.
They contact threshold and threshold contact the media. All agree what a disgrace this is and what cunts those landlords and agencies are.
Then people furiously commenting away under the article saying itā€™s awful and I canā€™t believe they are doing this.

And no one, not one person stopped to point out the pretty fucking obvious. Itā€™s a scam. Not a the big bad landlords are ripping people off scam. An actual fucking Prince of Nigeria scam. Pay me ā‚¬500 and Iā€™ll show you an apartment :joy:. Are we gone that bad that no one cops a blatant scam when they see one?

Threshold are saying thereā€™s multiple instances, but there is their fuck, one story and they are running with it. They are always at it.

One for TNH thread.

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Itā€™s outrageous that honest people are being charged 500 notes just to view a house.

Time for FG to go.

so a myopic focus on the recipients of welfare is redundant.
You arenā€™t going to change anything by telling people who have been receiving help for generations they are wrong, for accepting that help.

As ever in Ireland, the focus and outrage is easily shifted away from where it should be, and onto each other


So you now want to disqualify the least educated from benefits? Youā€™re coming across as much more thick than I previously thought.

Are you only selectively reading my posts?

No Iā€™m reading all of them and only highlighting the parts I disagree with.

Are you a stupid bastard? - It can be introduced going forward, to start breaking the cycle that the likes of you have created.

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Exactly. A rabble-rousing, factually incorrect article is published in a downmarket rag to distract the plebs from the real problems and the fools go rushing in like lemmings.

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Iā€™ve already said that lazy governance and a lack of accountability and political will is behind it allā€¦

What about stupid people that canā€™t our shit state exams? What about people that are abused or disadvajtaged or donā€™t get sent to school or canā€™t finish it for some other reason?

Would you ever fuck off with your shite.

I know.

Making excuses straight from the off ā€¦ exactly why we are in the mess we are in. The current state of the leaving cert is a different argument and I agree needs changing ā€¦ if people cant finish school for whatever reason they can engage with the state and they can help them finish it over timeā€¦ Welfare should be about engaging with the state and looking to better yourself, not just sitting at home and claim everything you wantā€¦ youā€™ve just pointed out everything thatā€™s wrong with the bleeding heart/ pinko liberals in this country ā€¦ always looking for an easy out with no real conviction at all to change things.

is this as a consequence of the vajazzle craze that happened a while back?

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Go back to making sinn fein jokes ā€” thatā€™s about your level.

Your posting has gone up a lot recently, what are you working again these days anyway?