Hungover in work

A mane looking breakfast.

What’s sunny beach like? Cheap?

Very. The average wage is about half what it is back home and prices reflect it. Alcohol is ridiculously cheap. You’d pay more for a can of coke than a pint of beer. Decent branded beer is about €3 a pint. The local tac which is ok is about €1.50

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Fucking pookies :face_vomiting:

Not a fan, no?

Fuck no
Don’t mind the flavour, as in I’d have soup. But the texture of the fucking things

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I’d ate em for breakfast, dinner, tea and the three o’clock slump


Think so

Hasnt saved me from being Slightly philogrobilized this am

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I just sent an email lads. I might do something similar in about half an hour

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Not quite hungover but slight headache, tiredness and queasiness. As if I drank four pints last night.

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We’ve a system at work if person(s) are crippled hungover we’ll get a multiple hour Teams call going so they can sleep it off. I wasn’t out last night myself but I’ll do anything to help a colleague avoid work without wasting precious annual leave.


Just change your status to “Busy” on Teams. It’s considered very poor form in our place to disturb someone who is “Busy”.

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Our Busy will show you as Away after 5 minutes of inactivity (not moving the mouse) so it’s not an option and we’ve plenty of rude cunts in our spot that won’t be deterred by a set status that isn’t “In a Call”.

Sounds like an awful place altogether compared to my gentile corporate homestead in a Japanese multinational.

Sure sleeping at your desk would be a sign of a great employee in a Japanese place

@mikehunt could make a fortune consulting to workers on how to dodge their job


In one of my previous workplaces there was a lad who would constantly be on the tear* - Coppers and casinos most nights of the week. Instead of going home he’d head to the office and have a kip at one of the hot desks. Bosses arriving in the next morning to this mess sprawled across the desk in yesterday’s clothes**.

*it wasn’t me
**or Mr Totti

Can’t you get a thing on Amazon that moves your mouse automatically

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Our spot kinda figured that out over lockdown seemingly and you’d easily get caught out with the Homer Simpson drinking bird gimmick. Fake calls are the way to go.

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