Hungover in work

I just noticed @gilgamboa liked this post :grinning:
Sorry, it wasn’t an intentional dig at you

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Ah but they’re fierce original in the material they use to attack you mate, great minds obviously :nerd_face:

Thats ok mate. Im a confident guy. A gentle jibe from a help desk jockey wont dent that :ok_hand:



You out drinking the face of yourself and all the TFK parents in no man’s land. You’re some cunt.

I see a calling @mac thread coming. He might be some use to you for once given his vast experience of poisoning himself with alcohol.

I’m too hungover to be answering mundane questions today

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''Tis the season

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Twice in a week? I think you need some help buddy.

tomorrow too brah, then off drink until Eastmas


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is in full-on Christmas drinking mode. Only right too.

Here he is

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drinking is a mugs game

Signing in.

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Signing in

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Drank my share last night. A drip drop when I got in and one again when I got upthis morning and right as rain now.

No need to be hungover if you apply a bit of science.

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fuck off


seriously brah, where can I get this? please take into account that I wouldn’t use amazon as they are destroying the human race