Hunting & other rural pursuits

I picked the sloes a bit too early I reckon, a neighbour sent me over a small sample of his batch which were picked 3 weeks later and its got a nicer flavour

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Lads the blackberry whiskey is a serious digestif.

Myself and the father in law in a bad way after atin way too much dinner. A large glass of the blackberry whiskey and within 10 minutes we were ready for dessert.


Some great pictures in here.


Do we have a wildlife or bee thread?

The lads below seem to have taken up residence in my septic tank. From a quick look online looks like they maybe native honey bees. @glenshane I think your out bee expert, what’s my best course of action to move?

A strange place for them…they’re very clean and averse to bad smells etc. They wouldn’t be a problem until the tank needs emptied…
Getting rid of them is probably a job for a beekeeper, someone with a specifically designed vacuum. if they’re inaccessible then you might need to destroy them.
No easy answers im afraid, if they’ve only arrived then theres a fair chance they’ll move on

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I had to stop the car near home yesterday evening as a stoat was playing in the middle of the road, watched him for about 30 seconds before he eventually darted into the hedge.

Do you know when they arrived?

Not too sure, the auld lad spotted them yesterday evening. I’ll keep an eye for the next few days see do they move on

If it was within a few days they might be undecided, after that the queen usually starts laying and they won’t leave the brood. You could try making it unattractive- spray some vinegar round the entrance or leave a hose sprinkling the entrance

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These lads will generally collect swarming bees for you.

The Federation of Irish Beekeepers Associations clg FIBKA (

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Tell me more about this….

My sister bought me a jar of Manuka honey a few years ago. She thought it would fix all my ailments.

She was shocked when I told her I put it in my porridge. Where did she expect me to put it?

It didn’t fix any of my ailments.

Massive bee colony under an overhanging cliff. Yer man is stealing the honeycomb, folding it up and putting it in a bucket.

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Would you encounter this on a the Sperrin or Binevenagh ?

How much would that lump of honeycomb be worth

Sure, but without the protective clothing and ropes

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Id say theres about 15 200ml jars there. 150 here…thats probably in africa though

Blackberries and Sloes tonight. Two separate containers. Picked up bottles of gin (2), whiskey (2) and brandy (1) earlier.


Will leave more than enough for the fairies.


I’ve a shitload of blackberries all.about to ripen. What you doing with the ones you picked and I pickle myself.on your mountain moonshine too?

@ironmoth has a blackberry whiskey dictat above that’s hard bate. Might fire a few into brandy as well.

Too early for Sloes this evening. The few I spotted at the weekend were no measure of suitable abundance. Masses of blackberries though.

Great to be out on a fine evening to ramble, I spotted a young stag, countless hares and a fox. He was so confident in himself he paused to eye me, decided I was not worth changing course, and continued on unperturbed. Until I made a gallop after him barking like a blood hound. Cheeky cunt.

I got ate alive.