Hurling - The Hand Pass Rule - a thread

It’s an impossible game to ref well and teams are doing refs no favours anymore

He comes across as an UUCOAM

He’s a do as I say not what I do man

What would you do with the current rules regarding throwing in the game?

  • Allow throwing as happens
  • Call 30 frees per game
  • Only switch hand pass/off the hurley
0 voters

The whole thing is a cod now, but unfortunately the only voices that count are those on The Sunday Game and no one there wants to give up their 10k a year gig.

What Duignan said on Saturday night was laughable during the Leinster Final.

No media outlet seems willing to give Conor O’Donovan a platform to get his point across.

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What’s the argument against the handpass off the hurley one? Seems an obvious solution.

If a fella can’t release the ball quickly it could lead to more rucks

Many of the modern coaches argue it will slow down the play and prevent goal chances. The ironic thing is most of these goal chances are scored by throws which should be free outs.

It will be going to congress in 2025 but it will be defeated by the modern coaches of Derek, Dalo, Davy and Dowling.

He will then have to get rid of the ball by striking.

The game will return to the core values of territory instead of possession.


Where he will be hooked and blocked and Limericked. The hand pass is the only escape from the clutches of big Will.

Bring back the hurley drop and make them handpass it with both hands

It was actually notable yesterday in the first half that I saw, that the one correct hand pass that Limerick attempted was fluffed along the ground.

Allow pulling in the air and pulling on the ground if ball is there and don’t penalise collateral hits.

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Big Will is going to struggle to switch hand pass also which will lead to more turnovers the other way and even more striking.

I think calling Dalo a modern coach is generous :grinning:

I find that congress delegates and even club delegates are generally so far removed from what players or even supporters actually want. Generally, they are status quo merchants unless there is a media furore to tell them otherwise.

Like we see all these glorious HD super slow-mo clips for goals etc, why don’t do a proper, HD analysis and see what’s being thrown. I’d reckon it’s way way less than people think.


This is the problem.

Hurling isn’t played in slow-motion. Its played in real time and if it looks wrong, it is wrong.

Ah here!! Stop bringing sense to this thread. Read the room. Limerick are ruining hurling and it wont be fixed until Tipp win again. Fall in!!


Calling frees for throws wont work unless frees are also called for steps and spare arm tackles, all 3 issues are interlinked. The fact the manager of a team in the u20 AI final could look at the tackle by Duggan on Byrnes yesterday and declare it as perfectly legal should be a wake-up call for those responsible for looking after the game. I got bored watching yesterdays match, I’d love to know what the longest spell was with the ball in play?


I had a good look yesterday after all the talk about it and I am pretty satisfied that 95% of the handpasses were definitely handpasses. In fact, it looked like both teams were actually making an extra effort to make pronounced movements, so maybe the media buzz is having an impact.

Even in the 5% of more contentious ones, I’m sure most were fine. Lyons was happy enough with them anyway.

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Pretty sure there was a super slow mo of a player handpassing at the very start of the Sunday Game last night. Think it was an Offaly player. Obvious throw