I have lost interest in

What is very good?

A brainless halfwit like you forming sentences.

Why have you decided to take against me so venomously? I’ve never interacted with you before but you seem rather angry with me. Is it because I ssshh ed you and called you a girl?

Welcome back grapes!

Thanks Amby. You still foolin em?

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I’m not being venomous at all. I thought we were having a light hearted exchange. Surely you of all people would have been called a tramp many times?

I actually liked you prior to this exchange but you’ve walked yourself into the fire, a pity. Just cool off there.

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No problem Sir, don’t bite off more than you can chew

Sssshhhh there’s a good girl. :roll_eyes:

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Did something bad happen?

You’re worse for entertaining him

Maybe you’re right
Everyone deserves a chance

You were right about nobody caring.

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Yes the woman of tfk just couldn’t help herself and and had to intervene. Must go I have things to do, there’s no way I can possibly entertain that incessant bat. The slate is clean with us Glenshane, it’s been edgy but interesting speaking to you.

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That’s lovely. I’ve thrown you a few likes, just because…

But you replied …

I’ve a start made. Mower is out but not yet started. I replaced bolts ( x 4) on a gate that was wobbling. Didn’t bother to redrill for the bigger ones, just took out the 4” and replaced them with 5” + a bit of brute force, they won’t wobble again, gate is grand and solid now and a job for life.

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Go in to town for petrol for the mower and somehow end up in the pub.

Hhhhmmmm :thinking::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The Jerry can will have to be full and minded meticulously to make this a goer